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IOM research on CFS


Senior Member
Los Angeles, USA
Here is what the IOM has to say about CFS


Notice how few resources they checked, and they seem to assume the CDC is a reliable source.

I could not find a bibliography there. There are round-about ways to searching for the citations on the Internet based on name and date, and I think I've found two, but I'd prefer the bibliography. If anyone locates the bibliography, please let me know.
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Senior Member
Los Angeles, USA
Important note. Now that I have the bibliography I realize I posted some wrong information. I deleted it. This is the second mistake I've made this week (the other one was elsewhere). I need to slow down.


Senior Member
Los Angeles, USA
FWIW, anyone who wants one can have a free PDF copy of the IOM study for GWS. Just go here: http://books.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=13539. Click the download link, sign up for a free account, and download the PDF. CFS starts on page 97. References in page 123. I'm trying to read things cited in the bibliography, but slow going. I was surprised that they cited a Leonard Jason study. But they also cite the CDC doctor toolkit. This is the same toolkit the CFSAC recommended for removal from the site.

I'd offer an overall impression, but my last rush to judgment didn't go well.


Senior Member
Important note. Now that I have the bibliography I realize I posted some wrong information. I deleted it. This is the second mistake I've made this week (the other one was elsewhere). I need to slow down.

Slow and steady. It is harder to be accurate first time around if you're felling a bit wiped, so it's often worth double checking. Ta for checking and correcting. Best of luck with it all.


Senior Member
NYC (& RI)
Excellent and very important find by Jeannette on page 22, that “CFS” is not an “organic disease”, but instead a "somatoform disorder"!! We need to keep this particular point prominent which so clearly shows their extremely strong bias!

That assertion was backed by a cite to Sharpe, 2001, btw. On the same page they cite Wessely for the proposition that GWI is just a bunch of non-organic (psychological) symptoms that do not even rise to the level of a syndrome, because there is no particular cluster of symptoms!! They say medically unexplainable symptoms from combat were previously known as “psychoneurosis.”

God, this is even worse than I thought. This is like Wessely circa 1990.

They as say Fibro and IBS are somatoform disorders with no organic basis. We need to rally the fIbro and IBS patients to help us (as well as the Gulf Veterans), because, the way this is going, they’re going to be the next victims of the full IoM treatment!!