How ironic a tweet over the IOM 2015, reports CFS is not going to be an 'ME' as if this was ever an option?
CFS never was ME to begin with so nothing has changed! Yes, we'll all be glad to see the back end of CFS, but I imagine the other end of the pantomime horse will be equally ugly, despite it's re-branding. NB: As long as brain and body inflammation remains the focus, then ME will never die, as much as many want it to. You can disappear a name, but no the patients. Not all of them.
From what I can see there is a complex set of tactics at play with IOM redefining CFS just in time before the pathogen(s) are published in 2015 and onwards in people who are alleged to fear exercising by belief in a persistent physical cause when seriously ill (common sense reasoning not faulty illness beliefs). Those in control
know the 'CFS' patients contain specific embarrassing pathogens. These were hidden within CFS historically. They appear to be often tissue bound and require new technologies to detect.
Since the 'XMRV' story we have seen a lot of disinfo flood the British press. It is well known that Psy-ops tactics are used in the media as a tool for propaganda (The common tactic in use is to stress a victim you need to evoke a behavioral change in,
to make them more compliant. The preferred option is humiliation and de-humanization through persistent psychological stress.
As luck would have it, psychiatrists know how to do this best, they are experts in the human mind. The British media are experts at this, with atrocious lies written about 'ME recoveries' using the most absurd claims, all non evidence based. (The Americans tend to stay well out as there is no socialized health care system to utilize the disinfo outcome at a clinical level. Americans can also have the option of private health care away from the BPS model of psychiatry).
If we look at what comes before and after P2P IOM things get interesting.
CFS patients can be re-housed within the newly offered label after a media blitz humiliating them with claims they fear exercise and are generally not authentically sick. Do not research their infection by blocking funding (as done for decades by refusal for grants). The ME CFS patients will be so broken, they will accept
anything better than the constant hatred they experience in the press and lack of medical care in the community.
Deletion of CFS historically, and all future research of the CFS phenomena ends tomorrow. (IOM re-branding Gulf War Syndrome is an example). Exposure to allied BW (air born) given to Saddam by military is de-associated to symptoms in infected ex soldiers. Symptoms become unspecific, causation: no single cause, no liability from armed forces employers who sent soldiers to the battle ground, who ironically in battle were with pathogens they created originally. Did they infect others when returning home?
The specific pathogen infected ex-CFS patients will flock to the new name, unaware by doing so, sees the demise of 'CFS' legally and thus they can now no longer easily sue for damages because CFS was thus never associated to Pathogen 'X'
in time (what the IOM P2P can be used for and curiously only appears after Mikovits stirred the hornets nest and put CFS on the global map). Perfect timing then for a re-branded label that banishes the actual ME CFS experts before hand to create the re-definition to steer away from ME pathology. Easy.
The ex CFS cohorts with a shiny new name remain clueless and unaware they are infectious to other people, namely family members. Numbers continue to rise. Numbers become so common, the newly branded CFS is just accepted as part of life, as Autism and Asperger's now is. 'Mystery ME' over decades now becomes common. Common is less scary. Common sounds reasonably harmless. Inflammation of brain/spinal cord will 100% not be associated in the new name for CFS. Of course, that's
the whole point!
ME could become a fringe movement of alleged conspiracy theorists who 'believe' they have 'something else' other than the newly branded CFS
(that 80% of ex CFS patients now welcome). Will ME's be said to be in denial and won't accept it ME doesn't exist? You bet. These patients will be easily further disenfranchised from others, exactly what is needed to control the knowledge that a 'tiny percentage' of ME patients have a newly discovered infection.
Thus, no large studies may be publicly funded for the 'ME' to achieve the pathogen becoming detected in the 'majority' of ME, thus it can never be the cause if this occurs, as ME doesn't exist any more. No single cause. As the MRC National Archives discuss, as Reeves et al, talk about is the 'preferable outcome' for CFS. No conspiracy theory, just awkward fact.
Now that is the plan, except one glaring problem. Good quality independent repeatable science studies away from HHS/CDC/NIH, can end all that, and that is why there is always hope.
. If we can get multiple groups, from multiple countries (ideally) all finding the same thing, well we have some genuine opportunities for a better future.
Hopefully we will move from 'fear of exercise' to fear of physicians getting sued for suggesting CBT and GE is evidence based to clients with ME, when ME is shown to harbor transmissible agents - as it appears to be it will be in at least some.