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Involuntary muscle contraction during sleep?

Hey, I'd like to know if someone else has this problem, because I haven't been able to find any information online.
I have the usual muscle soreness and pain, but a while back I noticed that when I sleep, I contract all my muscles involuntarily, and this causes me to wake up with even more pain than normal. I usually deal with it by taking a hot shower, but it doesn't suffice 100%.
Has anybody else experienced this? And is there anything that can be done to solve it? I don't take any medication.

Florida Guy

Senior Member
Not quite the same but I have a problem with stretching in the morning. If I straighten my legs or turn over I go into this major stretch where my leg muscles tense up. It usually causes a cramp and discomfort. I try not to do it but its almost unstoppable. Fortunately, it doesn't happen during the night and doesn't wake me up except in the morning. It usually feels good to do a stretch but this just keeps tightening up and does not feel good. A muscle relaxant might help
Not quite the same but I have a problem with stretching in the morning. If I straighten my legs or turn over I go into this major stretch where my leg muscles tense up. It usually causes a cramp and discomfort. I try not to do it but its almost unstoppable. Fortunately, it doesn't happen during the night and doesn't wake me up except in the morning. It usually feels good to do a stretch but this just keeps tightening up and does not feel good. A muscle relaxant might help
I have the same issue, I stretch in the morning and my leg cramps up a bit.
My mum had prescriptions for muscle relaxers, but hasn't gotten them in a while. I wonder if I can get a muscle relaxer, because sleep already doesn't restore my energy, and then I wake up feeling sore all over.
I think it may be related to stress. Nobody seems to talk about this anywhere.


Senior Member
Hello @Beartiger......A prescription for pramiprexole may help. I just take l/2 tablet and it works just fine for a few days even. Now your spasms may last longer, I don't know. Just try it. Also, I was on robaxin as and when needed.

Pramprexole is suppose to be addictive, so I'd watch for that but, personally, I've never had a problem as I don't take it regularly anyway. Good luck with trying them. Yours, Lenora


Senior Member
I used to think I had and did this. I still might, but I'm not sure anymore. But that's exactly how I would describe my muscle aches in the morning, like verbatim.

I bought a cheap Wyze security camera & recorded my sleep to see if I could see anything. It didn't really show me anything. I thought I slept on my side mostly which was causing my neck pain, but I was mostly a back sleeper. There was no obvious visible sign of me contracting of my muscles.

I think my mattress is contributing to most of the morning muscle aches, not having enough support. Maybe that's something to consider, do you have less pain when sleeping on other mattresses?
Thank you for the tip, @lenora, I'll see what I can do about it. I had never heard of the medication before.

I used to think I had and did this. I still might, but I'm not sure anymore. But that's exactly how I would describe my muscle aches in the morning, like verbatim.

I bought a cheap Wyze security camera & recorded my sleep to see if I could see anything. It didn't really show me anything. I thought I slept on my side mostly which was causing my neck pain, but I was mostly a back sleeper. There was no obvious visible sign of me contracting of my muscles.

I think my mattress is contributing to most of the morning muscle aches, not having enough support. Maybe that's something to consider, do you have less pain when sleeping on other mattresses?
Never thought of recording myself sleeping, but I considered doing a sleep test for many reasons, including this one. Maybe they could figure out something. However, I never got a referral for a specialist who would conduct them.
I used to have a mattress that was extremely stiff and it definitely caused more pain. I noticed that my pillows are never comfortable either. At home we switched our pillows about a year ago, they seemed okay at first, but not anymore. In fact, I've been waking up with a stiff neck these days.
(Sometimes I wonder if I have CCI, but I don't know.)
I sleep in a fetal position most of the time, maybe it's related to these muscle contractions...


Senior Member
I think we reach a point where "comfort" was something known to us in the past.

Today's mattresses are quite different than those of yesterday. As far as I'm concerned, the box mattresses are not comfy at all. I'm Goldilocks and those mattresses just don't measure up. Hard is too hard, medium isn't (or doesn't) feel like it used to....and soft, well that's perhaps the worst of all.

Pillows seem to fall into the same category. I've returned to using my old, very old mattress. It's definitely not comfortable, especially as it's a mechanical bed.....but you know, it used to be. Good luck in your hunt. Yours, Lenora