Apologies if this has been asked before, or the topic has been covered, I havent managed to read all of the posts on this thread (or understand all of them either). Professor Edwards, I just wondered what your or anyone else's thoughts re those of us who respond to antibiotics (various ones including rifampicin, plus tetracyclines, macrolides) eg herxing/die-off reactions, followed by improvements. Although they have not been a cure as such, they have definitely helped for sure.
Unfortunately, the improvements either peter off or the side effects from the drugs usually become intolerable. I know that abx have immunomodulatory & anti-inflammatory actions too, but my question is, is it possible that any improvements from the antibiotics could be attributed to infected B-cells being killed off? ps. treatment was based on positive test results to various infections eg lyme, bartonella, chlamydia pneumoniae. thanks.
Funnily enough a week after the vaccination that initially triggered my illness off I had to take a course of antibiotics as my doctor thought my swollen glands were due to a bacterial infection (looking back I assume it was the initial triggering of the ME symptoms) and they made me so ill along with everything else! I had to stop taking them after 3 days due to spontaneous nosebleeds, lightheadedness, nausea and muscle aches/bruising around my joints. It's hard to distinguish which of these were caused by the antibiotic and which were triggered by the onset of ME but suffice to say i'm very wary of them now - I'm currently taking some topical ones for a mild ear infection but even that worried me!
I would have thought they would cause more distress than help to many due to the upset stomach they can often cause - especially considering many ME patients (myself included) have IBS type symptoms to start with along with more extreme reactions to medications in terms of side effects.