I don't understand this either - it seems a pity to prevent the whole US from having all this inspiring stuff on DVD because of one irresponsible person! One of the strengths of the conference is the international nature of it - getting top researchers like Dr Hornig and Drs Fluge & Mella turning up. I think there's always a big US contingent and it would be good to encourage more, as well as making the conference accessible to US patients. Plus it would be an additional source of revenue, if they're making a profit on each sale.
I had thought that they didn't make a profit on these. I've been looking on their site to see where I'd read that and couldn't find anything but I found this
on PR:
So maybe they've reached the point at which they're breaking even. If they're not (or if the profits are slim) I hope they might consider putting at least some of the material (with the researchers' agreement) on Youtube because it might help get them attention and good publicity and help them pull in donations for their research fund that might outweigh any forgoing of profit from the DVD sales.
@Jonathan Edwards, is there some reason that researchers would generally prefer not having their talks on Youtube? What about at least having just the keynote speech on Youtube with a link back to the DVD purchase page?