intravenous Oxigen therapy

I have today a very expensive session to get oxygen in my blood, did anybody here already experienced improvements with this therapy?
Its good for chronic viruses and chronic inflammation, but I am afraid it knocks me out, as we have a high oxidative stress and need more antioxidants than healthy people

I have not had IV oxygen therapy however I have had IV ozone therapy which I believe is different but similar action of oxygenating the blood. For me I found it very helpful, it totally stopped my persistent viral symptoms (constant sore throat in the morning, chronic low levels of strep in my blood). Luckily it was another piece of the jigsaw puzzle for me.

Depending on where you are with your ME (mild, mod, severe etc) I would imagine it will have different draining effects, especially if you have any viral issues. For me when I had an ozone session it would instantly stop my brain fog, make me feel really clear and sharp, then would make me a nice sleepy tired in the evenings.

Why did you chose this over hyperbaric oxygen can I ask, is it more intense or has a different effect? Does this therapy have any claims to stimulate mitochondria or is it just an antiviral effect in the blood?

As for high oxidative stress, I recently I found I was +/- for SOD2 and from organic acid tests I know I have higher levels of oxidative stress in my mitochondria yet I was able to benefit from ozone despite this. Perhaps have some antioxidants on standby after your treatment, not straight away but for the following day if you feel rotten. I personally don't see the point of taking antioxidants before the treatment as I imagine they would be working against the IV oxygen. I think it may be trial and error.


Senior Member
small town midwest
After taking a quick google, IV oxygen therapy looks like a treatment (somewhat experimental) for people with respiratory failure, meaning their lungs aren't working. The lungs' job is to get oxygen into the bloodstream.

In ME/CFS the lungs are working fine, unless you have something else going on like asthma or emphysema or pneumonia. For us, oxygen can't get out of the bloodstream and into cells to be used. That means that IV oxygen isn't really targeting the problem, so it probably can't fix the problem very well. The feeling that we have that we can't breathe isn't a marker of lung problems, which is what it means for other patent groups. That's also why doctors have a hard time figuring it out- seems like it should be a lung problem, but isn't. Then they decide it's in our heads!

At any rate, this treatment probably won't help and has a high chance of hurting you. Nothing like giving yourself the bends on purpose.

Risk: potentially fatal
Benefit: probably none
Upshot: don't do it


Senior Member
Are we certain that the OP wasn't actually referring to IV Ozone, which is much more common?


Senior Member
small town midwest
Are we certain that the OP wasn't actually referring to IV Ozone, which is much more common?
Well, now that you mention it, not quite sure...

Although I did find something on the National Multiple Sclerosis Society website that says ozone exposure has been found to be a risk factor for MS in children. I could be misunderstanding here, but are we sure ozone is beneficial?

  • Ozone and MS: It’s thought that investigating MS risk factors in children offers a better opportunity to discover triggers closer to their origin than in adults. Dr. Amin Ziaei (University of California, San Francisco) and members of the National MS Society-supported US Network of Pediatric MS Centers previously reported a link between air pollution and the risk of pediatric MS. Now, in a study of 355 pediatric MS cases and 565 controls, they have uncovered a link between MS and a specific air pollutant, ozone, using recorded county-based ozone levels. Risk of MS with ozone exposure was increased in those who also had a gene variant that increases susceptibility to MS (DRB1*15). Further work is underway to understand mechanisms behind this link. (Presentation PS04.04)
Yes ozone is not good if you inhale it, its toxic to the lungs and just not good for you. When you have ozone therapy you either get it through an IV, injection, rectally etc anything but inhaling. Can only speak from personal experience but I found it beneficial for my chronic flu like symptoms which it pretty much resolved.[/QUOTE]