Intestinal Parasites

Can anyone tell me if the attached photo could be intestinal worms? I have had a lot of health damage over the last 18 years and have been on 3 B12 injections a week for almost 5 years now, prescribed by my doctor. I have sustained a lot of permanent nerve damage, including total loss of bladder and bowel function. Since starting the Peristeen Irrigation System in June, I have noticed that I have been passing a lot of white matter on every occasion. The first time I became aware of it, I'd passed a 6" piece of vein-like material. It was white, at least 3mm in width and like a very regular flattened tube. My doctor has been great and has now sent away 3 separate stool samples for testing, a week apart. All were negative for parasites.

I cannot let this matter go and started a herbal supplement a couple of days ago. The next irrigation I did 2 days later brought more of this matter out but the pieces were much longer and most of them seemed to have a thread-like core, however, they broke up very easily and were more like mucous. Can anyone help advise me if I have any grounds for thinking there's something there.


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Thanks folks. My doctor did send it away and phoned me today to say it is just mucous. I can't say I am completely reassured due to what I know I saw on that first occasion but I'll continue the parasite cleanse anyway for my own peace of mind. I also can't understand why so many of these objects had a yellow thread-like string running through them.


Senior Member

I remember when I began colon cleansing ( back in the 80's ), the information I was following said to expect to see 'ropes' of old mucus come out. It did look like worms.

I've had a life long problem with constipation, etc. It's been helped by taking alot of potassium, but I've begun to realize that my thyroid is at a lower function.

I'm taking what is considered to be a lower dose, 1/2 grain of NDT, ~30mg, ( natural dessicated thyroid). The tests have ususally been in 'normal' range, but sometimes the T3 drops below.

I believe it is possible that some people may benefit from a low dose of thyroid, if even a very low dose.
Thanks for the advice about the mucous 'ropes'. That may well have been what it was and is a good description of it.

Slow transit constipation has been a problem for me for at least 15 years. It started with an urgency to empty my bowel and I couldn't hold it in. Then it changed to constipation and got worse and worse until I had to manually evacuate. However, I was always severely impacted and it was leaving me feeling sick and tired, with no appetite and full of gas. I only heard about the Peristeen System earlier this year and asked my doctor about it. He followed it up and I was given it in June. It is wonderful! Because you can control when you empty your bowel, and it means it is actually empty, you don't worry about feeling unwell because of it. I also have a much better appetite now and enjoy my food more as a result.

I would urge anyone who has lost control of their bowel to investigate Peristeen. It is certainly more effective and much healthier than any laxative as it is only warm water which is used.
There are many people seeing these things that are doing parasite cleanses. They think it is a newly discovered parasite they named ropeworm. It does not seem to be noted in main stream medicine or by western doctors. Also many people send worms to labs that come back negative. They think that the labs are not sophisticated enough to detect the worm or that it disintegrates rapidly. You can google ropeworm parasite and also Andrea Kalcker. Some people that are doing serious cleansing have gotten some that are quite large out.
I've seen the article you mention. I have since passed other collections of worm-like matter and each time quite a few come down at once, and quite separate to stools. If these were normal findings, I don't understand why I haven't ever seen them before, in over 50 years. I also can't find any explanation for the first flattened tube I passed not long after starting irrigation. I keep hoping I pass another sample of it so I can have it investigated. Nor can I have explained the several long strips of tattered skin I've also passed. It can be quite fascinating this bowel analysis lark, but I'm not content with just looking - I want answers and I'm certainly not getting them from the medical profession.