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Interpreting my wife and I's genetic genie results and supplementation advice

Any help is greatly appreciated. Trying to keep all this straight is no easy task!

Here are your homozygous mutations as indicated in your SNP gene table above (not including MTHFR):
  • COMT V158M
  • COMT H62H
  • MAO-A R297R
  • BHMT-08
Here are your heterozygous mutations as indicated in your SNP gene table above (not including MTHFR):
  • VDR Bsm
  • VDR Taq
  • MTRR A66G
  • BHMT-02
  • AHCY-01
  • AHCY-19
  • CBS A360A
The only MTHFR for me was MTHFR A1298C rs1801131 GT +/-

CYP1A2 164A>C rs762551 CC +/+
CYP2D6 S486T rs1135840 GG +/+

CYP1B1 L432V rs1056836 CG +/-
CYP1B1 N453S rs1800440 CT +/-
CYP1B1 R48G rs10012 CG +/-
CYP2D6 2850C>T rs16947 AG +/-
GSTP1 I105V rs1695 AG +/-
SOD2 A16V rs4880 AG +/-
NAT2 I114T rs1801280 CT +/-
NAT2 K268R rs1208 GG +/+
My wife's results:

Here are your homozygous mutations as indicated in your SNP gene table above (not including MTHFR):

  • VDR Taq
  • MAO-A R297R
  • ACAT1-02
  • MTRR A66G
  • CBS A360A
No heterozygous or MTHFR mutations

SOD2 A16V rs4880 GG +/+

CYP1A2 164A>C rs762551 AC +/-
CYP1B1 L432V rs1056836 CG +/-
CYP2C9*2 C430T rs1799853 CT +/-
CYP2C19*17 rs12248560 CT +/-
CYP2D6 S486T rs1135840 CG +/-
CYP2D6 100C>T rs1065852 AG +/-
NAT2 I114T rs1801280 CT +/-
NAT2 K268R rs1208 AG +/-

Again thanks for any help interpreting this