Hi everyone, this is my first post on here although I have been following Phoenix Rising since I got sick just over one year ago. I have been under KDM's treatment now for 4 months - it has been very expensive however I can say it has been money well spent as I now know what is going on in my body. I am also starting to slowly improve.
My official diagnosis is Lyme disease (as confirmed by high scores on the Arminlabs Elispot), however Borellia is now likely inactive and is not the ongoing cause of my symptoms.
Sorry for the long post however here is the situation as I understand it:
- According to KDM, the core of the problem in the vast majority of his patients lies in the intestines. ME/CFS is a gut disease which is initiated by a severe infection (often Lyme, but not always. Yersinia is another common one) that causes a sequential chain of events to happen in the intestines that results in a self perpetuating illness.
- During my first follow up appointment in April he showed me pictures of the cross section of the guts of ME sufferers - it was filled with purple blobs that looked like raisins/grapes. These are inflammatory cells/dentritic cells which have migrated to the gut from the rest of the body during the initial infection (in my case borellia invaded the intestinal lining).
- These cells cause major inflammation and an increase in intestinal permeability and this is the reason why most ME sufferers have pain in the abdomen when pressed in a certain area. Normal healthy people do not have this pain.
- Once this mechanism has occurred we enter a vicious cycle - the dendritic cells in the swollen gut affect immune system homeostasis and we quickly develop dysbiosis and SIBO. LPS from the overgrowth of gram negative bacteria in the small intestines perpetuate the inflammation and the dentritic cells continue to be activated, causing further immune dysfunction.
SIBO/increased leaky gut/translocated LPS as the consequence of the immune dysregulation is the first domino to fall, setting off our cascade of symptoms. LPS is highly toxic to the body and when translocated causes a huge amount of systemic inflammation. Specifically:
- High sCD14 - the body's IGA response to LPS
- High PGE2 (which then causes a Th2 shift - which is responsible for the reactivation of EBV, poor viral defence, high nagalase) etc)
- A significant increase in nitric oxide (part of the body's immune response to a bacterial infection). This results in a major upregulation of the NO/OONO cycle which causes mitochondrial problems/fatigue.
- A big increase in body toxicity resulting in low glutathione/methylation problems etc compounding mitochondrial problems.
- A major amount of neuroinflammation. LPS causes an increase in IDO which results in the massive increase of the breakdown on tryptophan in the brain into quinolinic acid (often leaving sufferers depressed). The inflammation messes up the signalling of the HPA axis, so ACTH is not produced in large enough amounts. The adrenal glands then do not get the signal to produce cortisol. This causes more fatigue, orthostatic hypotension etc.
High ammonia is also a result of the SIBO. Ammonia contributes to most of the above problems.
In response to the comment above regarding the correlation of LPS/sCD14 to the severity of symptoms – my own take on this is that the body has been damaged over a period of time and whilst removing the LPS will ultimately help, it will take a while to start to see an improvement in symptoms as all the systemic consequences described above still need to correct themselves even after the source of the problem has been reduced. Michael Maes’ famous study in 2008 corroborates this.
The goal of KDM’s treatment is to attempt to break the cycle which is happening in the intestines by correcting the dysbiosis using pulsed antibiotics/probiotics. In continually removing the source of the inflammation (the excess LPS caused by the SIBO), the immune system over time will allowed a chance to normalise and eventually be able to take care of the problem itself.
This is easier said than done however as the SIBO comes back very quickly after the course of antibiotics, especially in sufferers who have been sick for a long time as the biofilms are better established/there is usually greater degree of inflammation & tight junction breakdown.
There is hope for us all in the future however as a new breed of genetic medicines are due to hit the market in 2019 for Rheumatoid Arthritis/Crohns, if given regulatory approval. They inhibit the JAK enzyme which is responsible for inducing inflammation in the body/gut. The hope is in that inhibiting the JAK 1 /STAT 3 pathway that the dendritic cells in the gut will be extinguished and intestinal immunity will be given chance to normalise. This will attenuate the translocation of LPS, the immune system will shift back to TH1 and systemic inflammation will eventually die down allowing healing/recovery to occur.