Everyone is different. The body is a complicated system dependant on many factors for how well various metabolic cycles work. Gender, age, genetics, impact (falls, car collisions, etc), disease, toxins, and long-term stressors, can make the difference between one person's reaction and another's, even when they would seem to be facing the same sort of issues.
This is all a caveat to this, and I urge you to read my disclaimer as well:
My methylation work - under physician guidance and Freddd's protocol -- solved my sleep problems, which were severe.
Across many years my insomnia was severe and chronic. Before I started methylation work, I often didn't sleep more than a couple of hours in a row, and never deeply. Anything could and did wake me.
I am now a year into methylation work. I sometimes take tryptophan when I'm having trouble, and once in a blue moon zaleplon, but mostly I'm just taking various supplments, saving the ones that make me sleepy for nighttime (like SAMe.)
This is a huge change from a year ago when any little noise would wake me, even with earplugs and the shades drawn. These days I don't remember how well I slept because I was sleeping too deeply to tell.
My point? From my own experience and talking to others I believe insomnia is a systems problem, rarely solved by one medication or one supplement alone. I know that makes it far more complicated and befuddling, and I am quite, quite sympathetic to the tangle of sometimes conflicting information available and presented here in the forums.
But I am also sleeping quite, quite well. My life has changed. I credit Freddd's protocol most of all.