Insomnia is driving me nuts...

@Aaron1103 FYI you can buy doxylamine for about $5/ bottle of 90 on eBay and amazon.

I also use the active ingredient in Chlortrimetron that you can also get for much cheaper

Also I used to love Benadryl but it can cause tachycardia.

That's probably what I paid for like 30 at the store. I will check it out. Thanks! @minkeygirl

If benadryl causes tachycardia, I certainly don't want to use it too often then.
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Senior Member
Thanks everyone for the suggestions!
@ahmo and anyone else who had success with methylation/fredds I recently started methylfolate (yaskos methylmate b) I can't be sure but I think since starting my insomnia has slowly gotten worse and worse!

I am now at the point where I can't get to sleep before 4am, the sleep is really poor, and I'm waking early...

Not sure what this means, do I need to up something else to balance the methylfolate?



Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
@alice111 Sorry to hear of worsening insomnia:grumpy: I can only suggest decreasing or eliminating things to see if you can find what's the culprit. Certainly excess folate can push 'overmethylation' symptoms, which can include restlessness, probably insomnia. Have you increased B12 along with folate? Drop back on folate, see if you can sleep, before you go forward again.:hug:


Senior Member
Boston, Massachusetts
@Sherpa Apropos of your earlier post, I recall form another thread that you were trying Ben Lynch's B-Minus at 1/2 tab/day, which would mean only 10 mg of B6. Are you still using this multi? And if so, since you mention B6 for sleep issues, how much more are you supplementing and what make?

Thanks! Hope you're doing well and that's why we don't see you around much...


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
@ahmo thank you! Good advice, I will try this out.
No I did not I crease b12.. :confused: Should I have done that?
There's a close relationship between B12 and folate. I don't know tht there's a suggested or optimal ratio, but methylation protocols involve getting these 2 up to theraputic levels, as well as fixing other things that might interfere. You might look at the link in my signature, Methylation for Dummies. Also, the first link to Freddd's Protocol is a simplified version of following FP. The 2nd one is a longer compilation of Fred's comments, where you can find more specific information. I don't have enough recall to be able to give you anything more definitive.:balloons:


Senior Member
Seattle, WA
Everyone is different. The body is a complicated system dependant on many factors for how well various metabolic cycles work. Gender, age, genetics, impact (falls, car collisions, etc), disease, toxins, and long-term stressors, can make the difference between one person's reaction and another's, even when they would seem to be facing the same sort of issues.

This is all a caveat to this, and I urge you to read my disclaimer as well:

My methylation work - under physician guidance and Freddd's protocol -- solved my sleep problems, which were severe.

Across many years my insomnia was severe and chronic. Before I started methylation work, I often didn't sleep more than a couple of hours in a row, and never deeply. Anything could and did wake me.

I am now a year into methylation work. I sometimes take tryptophan when I'm having trouble, and once in a blue moon zaleplon, but mostly I'm just taking various supplments, saving the ones that make me sleepy for nighttime (like SAMe.)

This is a huge change from a year ago when any little noise would wake me, even with earplugs and the shades drawn. These days I don't remember how well I slept because I was sleeping too deeply to tell.

My point? From my own experience and talking to others I believe insomnia is a systems problem, rarely solved by one medication or one supplement alone. I know that makes it far more complicated and befuddling, and I am quite, quite sympathetic to the tangle of sometimes conflicting information available and presented here in the forums.

But I am also sleeping quite, quite well. My life has changed. I credit Freddd's protocol most of all.
For me 25mg Seroquel is the only thing that I can depend on letting me sleep a good 8+ hours. It feels horrible when it kicks in, I get akathisia/ RLS just feel "ew" but if I take something like ambien, xanax or even trazadone it puts me to sleep and the Seroquel keeps me asleep


Senior Member
Vancouver, BC
Phenibut works really well for me (maybe taken along with melatonin?) to get a full nights sleep. To avoid addiction/withdrawal its recommended to take no more than twice a week


Senior Member
Just when I think I get a hold on it, it comes back...

1am, 2am, 3am... Still awake :(

The problem is seem to keep building up a tolerance to everything I take (pharmaceutical, and natural)!

I have tried rotating so I don't take the same thing every night, but this doesn't seem to help

Currently I am taking the following (rotating them)

Every night I take
-cannabis oil
-California poppy

Pleeeaaase if you have suggestions??!! I feel like I'm going to go crazy staying up so late just lying there, and then even when I get to sleep it's such poor quality...

Where do you get cannabis oil?


Senior Member
I also get this really. bad. I have it anyway, but for one year, they had a mine behind the house. 24 hours a day, forced wakefullness. I almost died, literally.

They gave me Xanax and was walking sideways. Then meds were all pradoxical. I took like 15 different things and I got two hours of sleep. It was three months of 2 hours a night or no sleep. The dr had no idea what to do because of the mine. I still see her eyes "That sounds like a nightmare!"
Oh yes it was.
I had to relocate into a friend's room and never recovered because they had a gas furnace.
The ONLY things that got me back to at least sometimes sleep was to turn off ALL lights at 4pm and let lights go out with nature. Then I turned off the electric to the room., It did help.

A study showed campers can reset their circadian rhythm in 14 days or something. It worked.


Senior Member
@OkRadLakPok i get mine from a dispensary its the rick simpson oil kind which DOES have thc, NOT the cbd oil. the cbd only oil did absolutely nothing for me, but the one with thc seems to help a bit.
ps have you tried remeron?