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Insightful Reincarnation Stories


Senior Member
New Zealand
When I was 18 I had a dream that I was a female in Egyptian times I think I was wearing the heavy head neck and wrist jewellery that when I woke I could still feel the jewellery.

Never thought much of it though.

Another time I had a dream I was in a concentration camp.. It was muddy and somehow I had gotten hold of a long German jacket and was wearing it.. I don't know if I was a prisoner or a soldier but I did try to escape underneath the fence and got shot at several times in the back I could actually feel it... Then I was laying on a bench with someone who was a nurse prying the bullets out with the correct surgical tool...kinda like tweezers.

Never thought much of that either.

Why do we dream and about the things we dream?


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Why do we dream and about the things we dream?

Hi @Kenjie, those are some pretty interesting dreams you had! It sounds as if they made quite an impression for you to remember them after all this time. -- Regarding your question as to "Why do we dream..."?

I've come to believe there's many different reasons we dream, as well as many different types of dreams. Most books on the subject stress the role of symbols, which is an important aspect. But I also believe most books miss many other aspects just as important as symbols, or even more so.

The best book I've run across on the subject is one offered by the spiritual path I follow, and is called "The Art of Spiritual Dreaming" (Image below). At this link, they have another link to a .pdf file with its Table of Contents, which lists topics that I think are quite remarkable, with chapter titles like, "Dreams and Our Spiritual Journey", "The Dream Master", "Uncover Your Past Lives Through Dreams", etc.

I don't know if this is what you had in mind with your question, but thought I'd at least pass along information on my favorite dream book it in case you had an interest... :)



Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I watched a rather fascinating 15-minute segment on the Dr. Oz show yesterday entitled:

Did You Live a Past Life? The Science Behind Regression Therapy

I found the last five minutes especially intriguing, where they scanned the brain of someone undergoing past life regression. They had a segment which they entitled, "How Fear Could Be Transmitted Genetically". Below is a snippet on the imaging of the brain during regression:

Dr. Daniel Amen, MD neuro-psychiatrist and author, did a brain scan on a patient attempting to go into past life regression, a process in which someone tries to tap into unconscious connections with the past. This image compares the baseline level of the brain to one undergoing a regression analysis. During this analysis, parts of the brain where memories and emotions are stored are activated, though one cannot determine scientifically whether the action in the brain is related to a past life and not just deep therapy.

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Senior Member
They had a segment which they entitled, "How Fear Could Be Transmitted Genetically".
This reminds me of an interesting article I read a couple of days ago: http://www.theguardian.com/science/...ors-finds-trauma-passed-on-to-childrens-genes
The theory of inheritable trauma is still mostly based on lab mice, so not sure how much of it can be translated to humans... It's an interesting idea nonetheless I think.
the guardian said:
The team were specifically interested in one region of a gene associated with the regulation of stress hormones, which is known to be affected by trauma. “It makes sense to look at this gene,” said Yehuda. “If there’s a transmitted effect of trauma, it would be in a stress-related gene that shapes the way we cope with our environment.”

They found epigenetic tags on the very same part of this gene in both the Holocaust survivors and their offspring, the same correlation was not found in any of the control group and their children.

Through further genetic analysis, the team ruled out the possibility that the epigenetic changes were a result of trauma that the children had experienced themselves.

“To our knowledge, this provides the first demonstration of transmission of pre-conception stress effects resulting in epigenetic changes in both the exposed parents and their offspring in humans,” said Yehuda


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I just ran across the following, and thought it fit in nicely with this thread...

Explore Your Past Lives

Our character is made up of virtues and shortcomings, and all are a development from past lives. A reason lurks in the background of every twist of personality. Each trauma from a forgotten life shapes our conduct in a given way. Without exception.
Make a list of people and things you like or dislike. Also note if you feel a special attraction to some country, locale, or time period in history. There is a reason for such interest. When you look at the list, what do you notice? Next, pay attention to your dreams to see if you make any past-life discoveries there.
I believe in reincarnation. I find all the stories fascinating. For anyone interested in researching this subject I highly recommend books by Jenny Cockell, Dr Eben Alexander and Dr Brian Weiss. There is so much evidence out there.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
There is so much evidence out there.

Hi @RupertBear -- I agree there's so much evidence if a person takes the time to explore the topic of reincarnation. Some of the best information I've run across is at the Eckankar website. Here's a link in case you might be interested: -- Past Lives and Reincarnation

Just to mention, Eckankar is also where I learned about the HU Song (link in my signature), which can open our hearts, unwind karmic patterns, and help us move beyond these worlds of karma and reincarnation.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Hi @RupertBear -- I agree there's so much evidence if a person takes the time to explore the topic of reincarnation. Some of the best information I've run across is at the Eckankar website. Here's a link in case you might be interested: -- Past Lives and Reincarnation

wow super excited to see this old thread!

So many things hiding inside PR.

I had a profound experience as a teenager, recalling it has followed me around for many years. And it showed me something about a past life, it was like a powerful message just sitting there in broad daylight.

Doing some genealogy research can also be somehow informative in that we are ALSO strongly carrying along with us, genes and "stuff" from the ancestors.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
where they scanned the brain of someone undergoing past life regression.

I did hypono-regression a few times. I didn't feel much was revealed. Maybe it just wasn't the right time to ask the question.

I am somewhat into allowing the "space" for things to appear, rather than "forcing them".

Perhaps its tied to doing less seeking.

Nacht Segler

ME/CFS Since Early 2000s
Eastern PA
I've documented and researched my memories that focus on my overall maritime career:

19th c. Finnish sea captain
1900s German merchant marine officer & UBoat Navigator (WWI)
1920s-30s German merchant marine officer & UBoat Commander (WWII - '39 to early '41).

I don't really speak of my experiences anymore due to several factors:

I reincarnated via replacement reincarnation from WWI into the WWII life, and from the WWII life into the present.

And despite my stating objective facts regarding my personal/individual timeline with the 1920s - early 40s, too many people make assumptions about me with regards to the politics of the era.

I keep my memories and notes in a big 3 ring binder. It's quite a bit, and I pondered making a scrapbook style journal from it....but there is so much that it's just not going to happen.


Senior Member
Maybe we are both during that journey but also at the end of it at the same time. What is time? Does time even exist except in these lower frequency dimenisons? Is time an illusionally 3rd/4th Dimensional thing? Maybe we arent going lifetime to lifetime but rather coexising at all those lifetimes at once with each of our consciousnesses from each lifetime..still present in the now???. Maybe each of us are more complex then the just one lifetime at a time thingy...
Interesting comment that I've found 11 years later...
Thanks for the food for thought.

I've lately been wondering about whether we live in a relatively simple system of reincarnation, one life after another. VS the idea that we're living in multiple lifetimes at once because time does not really exist.

Anyone watch The OA? It's a (cancelled) Netflix show about the multiverse theory, where there are other dimensions with different versions of you.

I think the idea that "every decision you make creates a different universe" doesn't really resonate with me. What would be the point in having infinite dimensions/universes, including one where I didn't just type an error and have to go back and delete it? Also it's usually interpreted from our limited worldview, like maybe what we *think* is an important decision, is not really that important.

IDK what the truth is but I'm sure it's something we can't conceive of with our limited human brains.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I've lately been wondering about whether we live in a relatively simple system of reincarnation, one life after another.
Hi @Artemisia -- I just ran across a "spiritual" quote, and thought it fit in with this thread. I then saw your above comment, and thought it also touched on some of your "musings". Best!

"If you believe Soul is born within the realm of time and space, you can’t really say It’s without a beginning. It has a beginning in time and space, if you’re going to look at it that way. But God created Soul before the worlds began.
Soul merely comes here as part of Its experience from the other worlds beyond time and space. It comes here and has many, many lifetimes learning one thing or another."


Senior Member
I've documented and researched my memories that focus on my overall maritime career:

19th c. Finnish sea captain
1900s German merchant marine officer & UBoat Navigator (WWI)
1920s-30s German merchant marine officer & UBoat Commander (WWII - '39 to early '41).

I don't really speak of my experiences anymore due to several factors:

I reincarnated via replacement reincarnation from WWI into the WWII life, and from the WWII life into the present.

And despite my stating objective facts regarding my personal/individual timeline with the 1920s - early 40s, too many people make assumptions about me with regards to the politics of the era.

I keep my memories and notes in a big 3 ring binder. It's quite a bit, and I pondered making a scrapbook style journal from it....but there is so much that it's just not going to happen.

Interesting so you're main timeline is essentially a bunch of lives where you did sea things? That's one multi life dedication to the ocean! What is replacement reincarnation? I haven't explored much of the reincarnation sphere when it comes to peoples experiences and terms but it makes sense even based on my own model of reality I live by.

I can't find a picture of my diagram I made of its basic structure but in a simplified nutshell all events have a common thread of collapsing based on relational functions and condensing power with power being defined by the path of highest influence of creation. The interconnection of all things can only truly be made sense through the mechanics of the core function under what I call cyclic law called the relational vortex happening at all times on all scales of all movement. Transcending all incarnations, main timelines for individuals is possible. It also makes sense to define the scope like usual of things like the beginning and end life. Here we're judging incarnation by playing as this vessel which makes sense in my model as the human or other biological vessel is a power condensation vehicle and the limitation of our immediate memory of things to this timeline we live here while living out the chain of relational events will often lead to odd similar things happening through both our development and environment as all are under the influence of the relational vortex. 3 different people, 3 different times, and all of them really like seafood and have a passion for card games.

You could ask, well isn't this just cause and effect? One thing always causes a chain of different things to occur but this is about how information is accessed and used. Events only occur by collapsing into form and do so through relation patterns due to it all regardless of what is happening or where collapsing in the same fashion no matter the scale you look at it and relate it to the environment. From as small as the life cycle of a tree to the rise and fall of an empire. Reincarnation cycles also definitely come into play here.