Hi, Dreambirdie;
I did buy a BioMat, based on my very pleasurable first experience on one, and supported by Sushi's report of improving on it. I used it a bit too long at too high a temperature at first, and felt rather tired as a result; Sushi and others advised a slower approach, and I think that was wise. It did seem to help a bit, and 20 or 30 mins on one of the low (green) settings still help me sleep.
I only tried once at a high (colour coded red) setting, and that again induced considerable after fatigue. Meanwhile I have been exploring PEMFs (look under the Bemer thread) and following the news on XMRV while having a bit of a crash, so I would say that Sushi has more and longer experience, take her advice and go slow at first if you try one, and see what happens. I have never broken into a sweat using it, but have not yet given it a fair chance.
I did post a reference to a small Japanese study using a FIR sauna with a small group of CFS people that reported significant improvement over a month, but of course a FIR sauna is not quite the same as a BioMat, though I suppose one could obtain the same effect if one were to spend long enough at a high enough temperature.
So I am afraid my report has to be only a temporizing one--I have not given it a fair trial, and still do not know how much it could do for me. When things settle down a bit I shall focus on it again, and report then.
Good luck any or either way! Best, Chris