Input wanted on the BioMat


Senior Member
Victoria, BC

Hi, Dreambirdie;
I did buy a BioMat, based on my very pleasurable first experience on one, and supported by Sushi's report of improving on it. I used it a bit too long at too high a temperature at first, and felt rather tired as a result; Sushi and others advised a slower approach, and I think that was wise. It did seem to help a bit, and 20 or 30 mins on one of the low (green) settings still help me sleep.

I only tried once at a high (colour coded red) setting, and that again induced considerable after fatigue. Meanwhile I have been exploring PEMFs (look under the Bemer thread) and following the news on XMRV while having a bit of a crash, so I would say that Sushi has more and longer experience, take her advice and go slow at first if you try one, and see what happens. I have never broken into a sweat using it, but have not yet given it a fair chance.

I did post a reference to a small Japanese study using a FIR sauna with a small group of CFS people that reported significant improvement over a month, but of course a FIR sauna is not quite the same as a BioMat, though I suppose one could obtain the same effect if one were to spend long enough at a high enough temperature.

So I am afraid my report has to be only a temporizing one--I have not given it a fair trial, and still do not know how much it could do for me. When things settle down a bit I shall focus on it again, and report then.

Good luck any or either way! Best, Chris


I borrowed one from a friend once. Five years ago. It was very pleasant and soothing. Didn't keep it though. It's a bit cumbersome and I like my bucky heating pads and sunlight just as well.


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
those Mats...

Hi, sunlight does include Far Infra Red, along with lots of UV and general goodness, but up here in Canada its not too common to get a lot of it outside the June- early Sept window. I don't think Bucky heating pads deliver FIR, and there does seem some evidence that FIR does some good things. I did not mean my post as a put-down for the BioMat--just a holding post until I can explore it further.
Best, Chris


work in progress
N. California
Thanks, both of you, for your comments about the BioMat.

I am going to be able to try one out in a couple weeks and see for myself if it is REALLY worth its $1000 discounted price. :eek: Yikes!