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Inositol and Choline (recommend)

Although I can't claim they are a 'cure', since I have been taking a combination supplement of inositol and choline I have noticed there is slightly more energy. Admittedly I take a ton of supplements (somewhat rattling) anyway, and it's always hard to know what effect each one has, but when I ran out for a few days I noticed the difference.

Some days I couldn't climb the stairs without stopping up to three times. After taking inositol and choline I can normally manage the whole flight without stopping, even if some days are slower than others. Unless I am coming down with a cold or something.

So if anyone hasn't tried it, do consider it.
I believe eggs are a good source of lecithin if I have remembered correctly, don't know if you would need to eat a ton for it to be worthwhile though!


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
Although I can't claim they are a 'cure', since I have been taking a combination supplement of inositol and choline I have noticed there is slightly more energy.

Hi Complex CFSer- Choline is a really good methyl donor, so it increases methylation and the methylated B-12 does also. Is that what you were going for with the choline, increased methylation?



Senior Member
Thanks very much! I can't take anything methylated for some reason. I just take the lowest dose of standard B vits (Cyanocobalamin). Is that likely to make a difference?
You're welcome TreePerson. I think methylated only makes a real difference for people with methylation issues (which I do have according to the information I found from my genome!)

Thanks Jim, I don't think I knew that about choline. I wasn't purposely using it for that anyway, as I have been with the methylated B12. All I know is since I have been taking and trying to fine tune supplements it has helped. I also take MSM and different probiotics and a variety of other stuff.
I'm not full of energy I hasten to add, I have become deconditioned as EDS-related symptoms including dizziness and presyncope really affected my activity levels as well as the fatigue. But I'm not as bad as I was. It's frustratingly variable though. Yesterday I was able to manage a flight of stairs at home without stopping and without feeling like it was a horrible effort, but today I have been like a slug. It seems to take a really small factor, such as a mild cold, to make all the difference. Do other CFSers find this? That even a really small illness literally drains what little energy you have?


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
It seems to take a really small factor, such as a mild cold, to make all the difference. Do other CFSers find this? That even a really small illness literally drains what little energy you have?

Yes. I used to catch a cold or a flu and it would last 8-10 days. Then it would take me many days or even a week or so after that, to regain what little energy I had. Thankfully I have improved my health enough now, that it's no longer an issue.

I just caught a cold a week or so ago and instead of it putting me in bed for 5-7 days. I was only sick for 4 days and didn't need to spend any time in bed!

I was so sick with cfs for several years that I could hardly get out of bed for more than a few minutes at a time.

Now, I sleep 8 hours a night, never spend a day in bed unless I'm sick with the flu or something and very rarely ever take a nap. So there is no doubt in my mind that symptoms can be dramatically lessened.:)

The few supplements that you mentioned, I think can be very helpful for many. I have found that treating dysbiosis and "leaky gut" to be what has really turned my health around, without a question of a doubt!

I don't think my colds last longer than average but I get such a lot of them. I seem to have way more than average, as well as upset stomachs. I think there must be an immune element. The symptoms of my colds have been significantly less since I started taking Immunace Extra multivitamins. I read many good review of people saying the same thing before I tried them.

I know what you mean about the sleep. I never feel rested and need a lot of sleep. It's great that people can find vitamins and supplements to help, but it's expensive to maintain your health this way!


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
I don't think my colds last longer than average but I get such a lot of them. I seem to have way more than average, as well as upset stomachs. I think there must be an immune element. The symptoms of my colds have been significantly less since I started taking Immunace Extra multivitamins. I read many good review of people saying the same thing before I tried them.

I know what you mean about the sleep. I never feel rested and need a lot of sleep. It's great that people can find vitamins and supplements to help, but it's expensive to maintain your health this way!

I used to catch 6-8 colds and flus a year. Then I started taking colostrum for gut health I think and realized I got sick once all winter. So I take colostrum every day now and only get sick 3-4 times a year instead of 6-8!

I agree about the immune system, I am as certain as I can be that there is a big immune system component to cfs.

It is expensive to buy so many supplements. I buy most of mine at "Swansons Vitamins" and get really good deals. I usually wait until they have 15-20% off $75 orders and free shipping.

So I end up paying 60-$64 for $75 worth of supplements and save $5 in shipping.:) Without deals like that, I would be taking a lot less supps.;)



Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
what kind of colostrum do you take @ljimbo423 ? thanks

Hi cb2- I have taken 2 different kinds. One from swanson vitamins, a regular 20% immunoglobulin colostrum. The other one is a phospholipid colostrum from Nutricology.

I didn't notice one being any better than the other though. They both cut the amount of colds and flus I got every year, in half.:)


Senior Member
thank you @ljimbo423 I have tired the immune tree colostrum and sovereign. how long before you noticed a difference and how much do you take if you dont mind sharing? do you take it on an empty stomach? Thank you


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
thank you @ljimbo423 I have tired the immune tree colostrum and sovereign. how long before you noticed a difference and how much do you take if you dont mind sharing? do you take it on an empty stomach? Thank you

If I remember right, it didn't take very long to start working, I would say maybe a week or 2. Although it might take much longer for it to fully work. I found that just 500mg a day cut the number of colds and flus I got every year in half.

I worked my way up to 2,400mg a day though, for the additional gut healing effects of colostrum. I do take it on an empty stomach.
