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Injuries and ME/CFS Crashes


Senior Member
East Sussex, U.K.
About two weeks ago, I had a bad fall and twisted my ankle almost 180 degrees. Luckily, I think my ankles are extremely flexible so the sprain could have been far worse. It's bruised pretty bad and I still have some swelling, but it seems like it's healing well.

However, it seems like it triggered an ME/CFS crash from the fall and it could be the worst one I've had so far. I also got a terrible headache the day I fell down. I know I didn't hit my head, but maybe the fall was jarring on my spine/neck (I have severe scoliosis).

The fatigue is almost unbearable and I've been fighting my body to keep going to work every day. Has anyone else experienced worsening of ME/CFS fatigue after a physical injury?

Yes, Absolutely! My first injury (torn hip ligament) I believe began MECFS (from polymyalgia and Sjögren's); a year later, a fall with several injuries took it to a whole new level of fatigue. I think even moderate pain - like dental hygiene (!) gives long PEM.

Good luck with your healing!


Senior Member
I had a fall which contributed to a worsening of my mild ME symptoms and resulted in me getting diagnosis. I tripped down a step in a cafe and fell quite badly spraining right ankle badly and also the left foot twisted and sprained. swelling and bruising took about 6 weeks to reduce. And I spent a lot of time bumping up and down my stairs as I couldnt safely walk up and down them. Im rather heavy so my spine was protected to some extent as I basically ended up sitting on my large posterior but I think it was still a big physical stress on my body and I was definitely in shock at the time as my friend said my face was white as a sheet and I was shaking.

My dr had put me on pregabalin for night time pain about 6 weeks earlier and I had had some difficulties with the initial dosage being far too strong for me I was still getting used to them at the time of the fall and I think that could well have contributed to it happening.


Senior Member
@Azriel I was off work for around 3 months, gradually returned to work but only managed to be able to work 1/2 the hours I previously worked. Ive been doing that and my symptoms did reduce from the big flare up level but not back down to where I was before the flare up. Ive had a few minor flares due to viruses that meant I needed a couple of weeks off here and there for about 18 months. Just in my first more significant flare up and have been off for 3 weeks so far. Im in my 50s and planning to retire early as soon as I can so that I can concentrate on my health rather than having to push myself to keep working. Reviewing my experience for the years when I had mild symptoms and was undiagnosed pushing to get back to work all the time is counter productive. I wish I or my doctor or someone had realised that I had mild ME/CFS much earlier so that I could have had the opportunity to consider maybe taking a break of two or three months off work to focus on my health.


Senior Member
East Sussex, U.K.
Wow @Sidney, thanks for sharing your experience and the well-wishes. I had no idea injuries and surgeries could cause the PEM, but I thought it was too well timed to be a coincidence.

I am so sorry not to have replied sooner, @Azriel - things, you know...

I actually don't know that these things can cause PEM - I have never heard any medical opinion about it! - but I think many sufferers would agree, that a wound, shock, bad drug reaction, (anything invasive, I think, like a tiny, painless, injection) - anything that puts stress on any system ( e.g. having to sit talking - or listening -for too long) will do it.
It is as though the autonomic system gets angry, and demands payment for the work you've made it do.
Often, for me, it strikes at exactly 24 or 48 hours after the event.
Very puzzling.


Senior Member
The other side.
@Azriel I know the fork thing well unfortunately.

I'm diabetic and every 3 months or so they try and get me to have blood tests, this always crashes me, sometimes badly,sometimes not so much. So I generally stall them as much as possible. I don't miss appointments but keep rescheduling so I only have 1 or 2 a year. I've always assumed it was the effort of getting to the hospital and dealing with the environment there that was crashing me - it never occurred to me it might be having a needle inserted.


Senior Member
Yes. I'm being treated for SIBO/leaky gut and I was finally seeing great improvements just before I felt on my back and injured myself pretty badly. All previous symptoms and fatigue reappeared big time. Still trying to recover from this (was in March), even if I'm already feeling better than when it happened.


Senior Member
East Sussex, U.K.
Yea @Sidney, it's so weird - I definitely felt PEM starting a day or two later - can't remember when it really started. Although, the day of, I felt a little like I was in shock right after - I kind of embarrassed myself in a meeting because I got confused (but covered it up well with a joke - I'm good at that with all my brain fog!) and then had a terrible headache that evening.

The good news is my ankle barely hurts anymore, swelling is down, and just a little bruise left. Unfortunately, I'm still in a bad ME/CFS flare. My arms are so sore that I had to swap out a heavy fork at dinner the other night for a smaller, lighter one. Felt like I was doing reps with a 20 lb barbell with every bite.

I know better than to use the word 'cause' as well, I should have said 'related to' or 'associated with', but we're casual here, right? :)
I hope you feel better by now! When you're injured lots of histamine is released. I know MY chronic fatigue is caused by histamine because I get better by taking a remedy that mimics histamine. Back when things were bad exercise and injuries were tough and even now I feel a little funny after the dentist.
Take care!
Probably nothing to worry about but I'm not an expert! If you're having trouble healing doctors have lots of good stuff for that.