Did you have your surgery yet?
Hi ! Yes, I had 1 root canl removed, + another tooth that was dying, as well as 4 cavitations from the removal of my wisdom teeth 10 years ago.
it has helped my headaches (I used to have them every other day, now it is once a week or every 2 weeks), it also helped with my dizziness, and the weakness in my arms.
But my fatigue is still the same.
I went through a "perfect storm" when I started getting ill with CFS. Moved into a moldy appartment, had my wisdom teeth removed, dated a guy who had had a tick born infection, obvsouly at the time I dodn't know Lyme could be transmitted sexually. I think a lot of stressors impacted my body all at once, and it is now a "peeling all the layers" job. Ii will start working with a functional doctor who addresses mycotoxins, Lyme, heavy metals, parasites. I will probably create a thread here to keep everyone updated about my journey down the detoxification path =)