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Inflammation Therapy

GcMAF Australia

Senior Member
This is a comment from CIR
Two of Dr. Ross' chronic Lyme patients have recently come to Chronic Illness Recovery with the all too familiar story of relapse following a lengthy, very expensive course of antibiotics and supplemental medications. The borrelia bacteria is forced into cyst form by this type of antibiotic treatment but returns with a vengence when treatment stops. It's the reason doctors who use these types of antibiotic treatments have come under attack by insurers and the medical establishment. People who develop chronic Lyme disease have an underlying intracellular infection that has disabled their immune system. Chronic Lyme is actually a co-infection and the only treatment I've seen work for chronic Lyme is Inflammation Therapy. I'm appalled that the details of antibiotics and alternative medicines are made available to the public in this way (I suspect financial considerations are a key reason). IMO, this is unethical because some will obtain the drugs online without a prescription and treat themselves without medical supervision.


Daughters High School Graduation
Upstate SC, USA
I believe this the protocol that one of our past members was on and was eventually banned, but his banniing did not have anything to do with this protocol. I'm trying to remember his "User Name" and I believe he got banned due to something he was saying to someone that was contemplating having baby. He pretty much went overboard and was calling her names and such. He was obviously a younger fellow and was almost always looking for an argument, but cannot remember his name for nothing. Some of you others may remeber his User Name?


Senior Member
It seems to me the simple answer is that the protocol at chronicillnessrecovery.org is exactly the same as the Marshall Protocol, but chronicillnessrecovery.org have created their own name for this protocol (namely Inflammtion Therapy), and are charging fees for their online support.

They say here that chronicillnessrecovery.org is not affiliated with Trevor Marshall, or his organization Autoimmunity Research Foundation. But they are without any doubt employing Trevor Marshall's protocol.

The Marshall Protocol and related websites are here:
The Marshall Protocol Study Site
MP and Th1 Discussion
Home (MPKB)
Autoimmunity Research Foundation
Bacteriality — Exploring Chronic Disease
Sarcoidosis Answers for Sarcoidosis Physicians and Nurses


Senior Member
Hi all,

I'm new here (posted my story over in the GcMAF section, under Homeopathic GcMAF), but have been doing a modified MP/CIR protocol since Aug 2011. I am a registered member of the CIR website. I do not have a paid membership there though, so do not belong to their forums. These folks used to be part of MP, but broke off as described here (and you can Google to get more info): https://chronicillnessrecovery.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=17&Itemid=24

They are much more moderate, and very friendly and helpful in my experience.

About Chronic Illness Recovery
The founders of Chronic Illness Recovery (CIR), Belinda Fenter and Meg Mangin, are former members of the research team which developed a treatment for chronic inflammation that eventually became known as Inflammation Therapy (IT).
Several nurses gained extensive experience counseling patients on this treatment via several websites. In 2008, it became evident there was a need to help more medical practitioners actively participate in the process of nurse-patient counseling during the recovery process. CIR was eventually formed in 2009 to accomplish that goal.
CIR believes that helping physicians to become independent practitioners of Inflammation Therapy is a necessary strategy to deliver widespread knowledge, acceptance and availability of this effective treatment.

GcMAF Australia

Senior Member
Hi all,

I'm new here (posted my story over in the GcMAF section, under Homeopathic GcMAF), but have been doing a modified MP/CIR protocol since Aug 2011. I am a registered member of the CIR website. I do not have a paid membership there though, so do not belong to their forums. These folks used to be part of MP, but broke off as described here (and you can Google to get more info): https://chronicillnessrecovery.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=17&Itemid=24

They are much more moderate, and very friendly and helpful in my experience.

About Chronic Illness Recovery
The founders of Chronic Illness Recovery (CIR), Belinda Fenter and Meg Mangin, are former members of the research team which developed a treatment for chronic inflammation that eventually became known as Inflammation Therapy (IT).
Several nurses gained extensive experience counseling patients on this treatment via several websites. In 2008, it became evident there was a need to help more medical practitioners actively participate in the process of nurse-patient counseling during the recovery process. CIR was eventually formed in 2009 to accomplish that goal.
CIR believes that helping physicians to become independent practitioners of Inflammation Therapy is a necessary strategy to deliver widespread knowledge, acceptance and availability of this effective treatment.

Welcome Symptomatic:)

Can you provide some information perhaps on how the CIR has helped you?


Senior Member
I corresponded with Meg when I decided I wanted to start Benicar. She provided me with a list of doctors in my area who might consider going along with IT (and I found my doctor through that list). I asked her some questions related specifically to my extremely high 1,25D, and she responded with information I found helpful.

From all the reading I have done in their Library of Information, they do still believe in some of the same basic principles as MP; however, for example, MP is now de-emphasizing antibiotics where IT still recommends their use.

I have no interest in paying to belong to any forum, so I didn't go that route. I also don't want to *have* to post reports of how I'm doing, which both the CIR and MP sites like.

I personally believe that my particular situation is benefitting from Benicar (my 1,25D has come down, and in turn my hypercalcemia resolved - which led to elimination of migraines, stoppage of hair loss, clearing of brain fog). I have a doctor who, like me, believes there is some merit to using it, but also thinks it's only part of the puzzle. Our strategy right now for me is "kill more bugs, provide immune support". I do not think I have ME/CFS, but I do have chronic inflammation, autoimmune issues, immune suppression and significant Vitamin D dysregulation. I joined this forum specifically because folks here seem to be the most experienced with GcMAF, and I just started using Homeo KMAF yesterday. You can read the details of my situation and my current meds (if you are interested) over in that forum.

Hope that helps!


Senior Member
From all the reading I have done in their Library of Information, they do still believe in some of the same basic principles as MP; however, for example, MP is now de-emphasizing antibiotics where IT still recommends their use.

That is interesting that Trevor Marshall now is de-emphasizing the use of antibiotics in the Marshall Protocol (MP).

Presumably Dr Marshall still upholds the need for vitamin D avoidance and sunlight avoidance, and of course the thrice daily use of the angiotensin II receptor blocker Benicar (olmesartan), which is the drug fundamental to the Marshall Protocol.

I actually tried the Marshall Protocol myself for 3 months. I can't say that I experienced any improvement in ME/CFS symptoms over that time, though I did become quite sensitive to light while on the MP and taking Benicar (which is as expected), and needed to use sunglasses in bright light, as is normal when on the MP.

The basic theory of the MP is that human cells normally fight off intracellular infections (infections within our cells) by means of the cells' internal immune system, an immune system which can create anti-microbial peptides inside the cell, to kill off microbes in there.

The on/off switch for the release of these anti-microbial peptides inside the cell is in fact the vitamin D receptor (VDR), which is located on the nucleus of the cell. According to Dr Marshall, microbes, as a survival strategy, disable this VDR receptor on/off switch, which means the cell can no longer switch on the production of anti-microbial peptides to kill the intracellular microbes.

But Benicar is able to unblock and switch on the VDR receptor, which then causes the anti-microbial peptides to be once again released inside the cell, in theory then killing the microbes in the cell.

Dr Marshall thinks that ME/CFS, and many other conditions, are caused by intracellular bacteria that live within cells (L-form bacteria), and believes that his Marshall Protocol slowly kills off these intracellular bacteria via the anti-microbial peptides that are released.

It is certainly true that ME/CFS can sometimes be caused by intracellular bacteria, as we know Chlamydia pneumoniae infection can cause ME/CFS, and this is an intracellular bacterium.

However, Dr Marshall seems to ignore the evidence showing that viruses such enteroviruses and Herpesviridae are linked to ME/CFS.

Since enteroviruses in particular seem to form chronic intracellular infections in diseases like ME/CFS (comprising intracellular viral entities named non-cytopathic enteroviruses), I actually wondered whether the anti-microbial peptides of the Marshall Protocol might be able to fight off these non-cytopathic enteroviruses.

However, from my investigations, it seems that these anti-microbial peptides are more effective against intracellular bacteria than they are against viruses.
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Senior Member
In particular, they are very anti-Azithromycin at this point where CIR is not (and I'm on 250 mg/day!).

Not sure they've updated things on mpkb.org yet, but if you read through general threads on the curemyth1.org website, you'll discover they don't want to be thought of as an antibiotic therapy. Benicar is now the main focus, with antibiotics only used if needed to induce herxing.

Benicar alone helped reduce my 1,25D levels, but I had no herxing until I added antibiotics. Also herxed on antimalarials.