You should have an I don't know option. Guess that wouldn't be helpful?
I put yes. But I really don't know. It's all very difficult to pinpoint when CFS started for me exactly, and when I actually got each infection. My CFS was very gradual. And most of my infections have been asymptomatic.
If you increase that buffer a bit, to say +/-10 months during the time I think my CFS started, then yea. I had 2 or 3 of them suckers (if you're including bacteria infections as well).
Good Poll!
2016 - 2017 - Somewhere in here I think I got Strep, and Streptococcus infection lingered cause I guess I never treated it?
May-June '17 - Fatigue started gradually. Had HSV-2
July-Sept '17 - This may have been when I got Enterovirus
Nov-Dec '18 - Periods of extreme fatigue started. I think I had EBV reactivation right here.
As for the rest of my stuff, I have no clue as to when I got it. My best guess at this point is that it started while I had (2) infections, and got into hardcore CFS later on, when (2) became (3)