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In wich european countries could I possibly go?


..and we built castles in the Sky.
I have thought about this for a long time but apparantly sunny weather is improving me. When its warm, sunny and dry I can always go outside a bit, do smaller works like go to the store and buy something, nothing too crazy - and I still need breaks - but its possible.

So i thought this might work the whole year arround if I just moved somewhere warmer (I live in south germany).

I would like to know wich countries have decent - or atleast acceptable - ME/CFS doctors that are a bit more south then Germany.

Mabye Spain? I heard its kinda difficult aswell there.

To phrase it: Wich EU countries have acceptable ME/CFS doctors coming from a german standard?
I'm thinking similarly. Might move to Spain, but the medical part seems very difficult. There is also the language and cultural barrier. Spanish physicians are supposedly more authoritive and less open to suggestions as in the Netherlands. My wife is Spanish so we discuss the possibility regularly.
Also it will be socially even more difficult. Now my family can visit for half an hour/hour when I feel good enough (often I have to cancel). That will be extremely impractical when moving there.
Also I don't speak the language, my brain is not functioning well enough to learn and only few people speak English well enough.
Many other difficulties, but it's a realistic option


..and we built castles in the Sky.
i can reasure you its not different in germany. i was lucky to find a GP that stay up2date with all the things the german charité (biggest german clinic, actually researches me/cfs) puts online.

its a help we atleast have a semi-official clinic that aknowledges this illness and regularily posts about this stuff.

i thought the spanish doctors might be chilled because of all the good weather but apparntly that was the "grass-is-always-greener-on-the-other-side" lense.

is italy, cyprus, greece any good? I mean cyprus seems to have a very expensive private clinic for long covid so perhaps the knowledge spilled over to regular GP?



Senior Member
To phrase it: Wich EU countries have acceptable ME/CFS doctors coming from a german standard?
german "standard" is garbage. any shaman in the world has more competence than those crooked pharma lackeys.
i speak from experience from the "best" german clinics. they are garbage. they cant diagnose and treat the easiest things like broken legs and the casual stuff anymore. its sad.

i read once that spain has a lower rate of misdiagnosing disease than germany, i think even mexico has. so feel free to go anywhere you like.
i ve been to tarifa and teneriffa , where nice back then.. not sure after the migrant crysis if this still is the case. but cant be worse than here. so lets go find out.


Senior Member
Frankly I'm not sure any country in Europe has much better doctors on ME/CFS standard than Germany. Even in the countries that are somewhat more aware of ME/CFS like Sweden, Norway and Denmark there are then these biopsychosocial approach doctors, which makes the situation worse. In Germany there are at least some Lyme clinics and doctors that treat poorly understood diseases with a biomedical approach although some of their treatments are questionable as well.

My hunch is also that getting off-label prescriptions for anything in any European country has got a lot more difficult over the last decades. Maybe the attitude is a bit more relaxed on that front in the south than in the Nordic countries or Britain that have almost ruled out off-label prescription, but I'm just speculating here.


..and we built castles in the Sky.
@linusbert its sad but true. The German "Standard" has been pretty down the hill since they privatized the health sector. Its a shame.

@JES Problem is: everything for ME is Off Label. There is No direct cure for this disease so we are Kinda forced to fire random bullshit at this disease and See how it goes...

However thanks everyone for your considerations


Senior Member
i might add to my last post, one thing with other especially southern european countries is the food. german markets despite going downhill are still offering better food.
10 years ago the food in spain was garbage when you bought it in their supermarkets.
BUT if you manage to get products from the producers/farmers locally you might get good stuff.