Thank you so much for pointing that out
@Countrygirl and I just listened to the voice memo of Shawn talking about his illness. It is only about 11 min and very clear and organized. It is also very inspirational how he did not give up in the face of many doctors who did not believe him. He is spot-on that many patients who have AE are never diagnosed with the anti NMDAR autoantibody and are instead placed in psychiatric wards where there are left to "rot". I wish his story could bring awareness to autoantibody testing (which most doctors know nothing about).
I just read through my last PM's with Shawn b/c I could not remember when they stopped. We chatted many times and the last PM was from June & July 2018. On July 17, 2018 he told me that he would be trying Lemtrada (Alemtuzumab) on Mon (which would have been July 23, 2018) but then I did not hear from him again. Does anyone know if he actually tried it and what happened? It sounded like he was also continuing with Rituximab every three months but it was not providing the symptom relief that he needed on it's own.
I am having trouble understanding why he did not receive proper treatment in the hospital especially b/c it was well documented that he had autoimmune encephalitis (AE). Did the doctors not believe him or just not care?