Dear group members.
This post is from Rich's wife. There is no easy way to say this, and this message is very difficult for me to write.
Rich died early this morning. It appears that he suffered a massive heart attack in his sleep. He did not have a history of heart disease, so this was sudden and quite unexpected. It doesn't seem possible to me that Rich is gone. I am at a loss to express how profoundly I will miss him (I already do!).
I am trying to figure out how to begin notifying everyone who will want to know. Please feel free to repost this message on any forum or group where people who interacted with Rich will want to know of his passing.
Diana Van Konynenburg
A few weeks ago I needed some help. Not for the first time Rich was there to offer his considerable knowledge.
I sent Rich a message apologising for the fact that I couldn't offer him anything in return for the help he has given me over the last year.
He sent me this reply :-
You're welcome, Mark. What you've given me is another data point! One of the main ways I learn about ME/CFS, as well as making sure that my hypotheses are on track with reality, is by interacting with you guys. So, thank you!
Despite being the recipient of his help, he went out of his way to thank me. That was Rich, so warm and generous.
Life is full of regrets. After having received that last message I resolved to give Rich a mention on the boards because it was the only way I could thank him.
I decided against it because I felt that a public show of appreciation might embarrass him. How I regret not making that call. Please forgive me, because I will never forgive myself.
Love to you Diana xxx