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In Memory of Jodi Bassett


Senior Member
I like many others have found the HFME website by advocate Jodi Bassett extremely helpful and life saving over the years with so much useful information (before Phoenix Rising and MEAction were established) and I was re-reading a couple of her articles today such as this brilliant one:


And while doing a google search I came across this very upsetting news which was posted 11 hours ago




BASSETT (Jodi Lyn):
Our darling, beautiful Jodi, left us on June 11, at home, with her family beside her.
She was a talented artist, author and HFME activist. She was the most amazing, caring, intelligent, and funny person and we will miss her always. Her beautiful spirit is now flying free. May the winds of love blow softly And whisper for you to hear That we will always love you And forever keep you near.
All our love Mum, Dad, Claire Dan and Leila, Mark Betty and Reec

- See more at: http://www.westannouncements.com.au...tuary.aspx?pid=180305608#sthash.i0HRdMlF.dpuf

I am so shocked and upset at reading of this and can't believe its true.

She was an amazing ME advocate. Here is her website:


She published a number of books


May Jodi Bassett (ME advocate extraordinaire) Rest in Peace.
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Old Bones

Senior Member
How very sad. I have referred to Jodi's website extensively over the years, and found it helpful in explaining why certain very specific activities were such a strong relapse trigger for me. May her spirit find a level of comfort that wasn't possible living in a body wracked by severe ME.


Senior Member
This is wrenching. Jodi's website has helped me a great deal, as well. I found what she has been able to do, and her generosity in doing it despite the prison of severe ME, incredibly inspiring. She has our gratitude. May she have peace.


Senior Member

Some very distressing news about the loss of another our community. Jodi ran the Hummungbird site for ME.
Our thoughts are with her family at this tragic time


Guest Book
  • " BASSETT (Jodi): To Lyn, Peter and family, our thoughts,..."
    - Jodi BASSETT
    Published in: The West Australian
Currently, the Guest Book for Jodi BASSETT is available for viewing, but not accepting entries until Thursday, 16 June 2016.

BASSETT (Jodi Lyn):
Our darling, beautiful Jodi, left us on June 11, at home, with her family beside her.
She was a talented artist, author and HFME activist. She was the most amazing, caring, intelligent, and funny person and we will miss her always. Her beautiful spirit is now flying free. May the winds of love blow softly And whisper for you to hear That we will always love you And forever keep you near.
All our love Mum, Dad, Claire Dan and Leila, Mark Betty and Reece.- See more at: http://www.westannouncements.com.au...t&pid=180305608#sthash.0hhLjPqg.66zRRVAJ.dpuf

Edited to add that there is already a thread on Jodi. Sorry for double posting. Moderation Note: The two threads have been merged.

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Senior Member
Had some private conversations with Jodi a few years back. Smart, talented, articulate, passionate, committed, and lots of other great qualities.

Too early, too young, too much left to give and live.

Very sad day.


Deepest condolences to her family and friends.


Senior Member
This is utterly shocking, devastating news. When I first got diagnosed, hers was the only website with any kind of relevant information. In fact it was a treasure trove.
Why oh why do we keep losing the brightest, shiniest stars?

Now you are free, dearest Jodi, and we are so grateful for your shining presence then, now, and always.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Im quite upset over this, I used to be in a small ME online support group with Jodie, along with her website has helped me a lot over the years. She did so much for the severe ME group of us.

Her death is also reminding me of Beven's loss too, I was in a small support group with him too and he too I think if Im remembering correctly he was from Western Australia like Jodie was (that's even a worst place to have ME then in my bad for it state of SA, there is only 1 CFS specialist in WA).. both were just a bit younger then I so this second death has hit me hard. (Im in process of trying to get hold of the SA ME/CFS support group just for someone to talk to over how I feel about all this but their phone has been engaged)

I'd really like to know if it was this illness which killed her (what part of it?), I hope though I do realise how painful this must be that her family or someone will share this with us at some point.

condolences to her family and friends. Many of us arent going to forget Jodi and what she's done for all of us.