My original appointment was for last week, but that got cancelled due to Dr Meirleir giving a presentation in Nevada, I think. So it got rescheduled for today at 9:15am, which meant we had to get up hella early to make a two-hour drive during rush hour

Fortunately there was no traffic, but that meant we missed out on sleeping in a bit, and had to wait a while for the appointment. I'd hoped that a morning appointment would mean it wasn't delayed, but no luck ... it still managed to be 45 minutes late. It was a bit odd, because a woman and her mother arrived 15 minutes after my appointment should've started, and still got called in before us! Maybe the receptionist hates me.
Dr de Meirleir was impressed with my new stretch marks on one arm, but not the other, took a look, and seemed quite certain that it's more Bartonella marks. I've had them appear suddenly before: in 2006 on my underbelly right after antibiotics for a sinus infection, followed immediately by a hemiplegic migraine - so maybe that was something neurological from the Bartonella. And about 2 years ago on my upper belly, before I started Lyme treatment, but shortly after taking a week of doxycycline for a sinus infection. And now, shortly after starting tetralysal for the first time. Anyhow, new antibiotics frequently seem to result in the Bartonella doing Something Naughty.
I tested negative for Babesia, Brucella, Midichloria mitichondrii (there go my Jedi dreams), Tularemia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Citrobacter koseri, Hafnia alvei, Klebsiella pneumonia, Morganella morganii, and Pseudomonas putida.
A few things have gone from being elevated down to being in normal range from the end of October to the end of February: IL-1b, IL-6, MIP-1b, and Perforin.
And a few things are less elevated than before, over the same time period: PGE2 has dropped from 12.06 to 8.47 (normal 0.10 - 2.81), IL-8 has dropped from 178 to 103 (normal 0 - 15), and MCP1 has dropped from 633 to 225 (normal range 0 - 165).
D-lactate was tested for the first time, and is high at 2.55 (normal 0.00 - 1.66).
Dr de Meirleir wanted to try and get a little blood sample from one of the marks, since that's the easiest place to find Bartonella, and testing positive could help with getting insurance dealt with and even medical cooperation from the Dutch system. I had tested negative an intake using several methods, since the older marks were already rather suspicious - but apparently it can be quite hard to get a sample with Bartonella in it, even when an infection is present. He came into the nurse's area to give drawing a bit of blood from a mark a try himself, but not even a drop of blood was forthcoming

Pretty typical for my veins and blood vessels I guess.
Anyhow, treatment for Bartonella will proceed, due to pretty specific symptoms. So I'll be continuing with the tetralysal/lymecycline, stopping the azithromycin, and adding rifampicin. Folavit is also being added, which I think is just a high dose folic acid. I don't have any MTHFR mutations, so shouldn't have a problem making use of it. And continuing 4ME, digestive enzymes, probiotics, a biofilm buster, and high dose hydroxoB12 injections.
I'm also getting poo tested again, for inflammatory indications and flora. It should be interesting to see how the flora has changed, after being on antibiotics and probiotics for so long. My fiance volunteered to drive the sample down next week, so of course I started referring to him as my "poo courier"

Which caused him to respond that maybe he shouldn't ferry my poo down after all, and I should take it myself on the train. So now he's my "poo ferry/fairy"

Anyhow, we're supposed to keep the sample cool and get it delivered within two days. We got a portable electric cooler a year ago for our meds, so he can use that to ferry my poo in a cool environment.
I'll be going back on June 11th, at 2:15pm.