I just got back from my first followup appointment. First there was an exercise stress test, which involved a lot of (shirtless!

) peddling while hooked up to a mask, cardiogram, blood pressure monitor, and pulse oximeter. I kept peddling til I couldn't do anymore, due to feeling like I couldn't breathe, then a few more minutes at a lower speed. By the time I got off I was in pretty bad shape, still couldn't catch my breath sitting in the chair, so sorta slid onto the floor til I was doing better. Yeah, tomorrow is crash-time
Then I saw Dr Meirleir after waiting some more, and was informed that I have late stage Lyme. Apparently 50+ is positive, and I was at 700. I'll get full results in the mail in a week or so. The plan is 10 weeks of immune support, going back for another visit, and then IV antibiotics 3-4 times per weeks for several months.