Week three of azithromycin has begun! The nurse arrived half an hour early, so I wasn't really ready yet, and still had my stuff from my 4ME and B12 injections on the coffee table

I ran my hands under warm water for a bit while she figured out where stuff is. Yes, another new nurse! Maybe they try to avoid me after getting a taste of how badly my veins misbehave
We have some different stuff from the pharmacy now, but it was ordered in close consultation with the nurses, so it looks like most of it works. Instead of a line with a double IV hookup, there's an IV with a single hookup + an extension hookup near the top which can have a 2nd short line with IV attached to it. And similar for the little line which stays attached to my hand - it looks like the parts are separate but can easily be attached the necessary extension to the cannula.
She forgot to add an extension (or even something with a plug to stop blood escaping) to the line before starting it, so we had to stop the infusion and I pressed down hard on my vein while the nurse unscrewed the IV line, added the extension to the IV line, and attached it to my hand. No blood leaked (or sprayed) out in the process
Then everything went very fast ... the dripping went at a fast rate and didn't feel cold or hurt at all, even though it was pretty fresh out of the refrigerator. It only took about an hour, maybe 75 minutes at most, instead of the expected 2-3 hours. I also didn't have any swelling at all in my hand this time - I always do have a small amount, just from having the cannula in my hand or wrist I think. The azithromycin itched a little while going in, but much less than last week, and didn't sting or ache at all.
I was feeling sickish and feverish until last night, but have been doing a lot better today. And the current infusion hasn't knocked me down yet, so fingers crossed.