I woke up with a nasty headache this morning. By around noon it was pretty atrocious, though we still went to the shop with home disability devices and such, so I could pick up my wheelchair and a couple hot/cold packs.
I've been pretty wobbly in general due to the antibiotics and Lyme die-off, so sorta staggered into the shop and sat down on a massage chair while my fiance did the talking with the clerks. Due to having gotten in touch with the disability/illness-type service, I was registered as being able to get a free wheelchair for 6 months. Basically that's the standard time-period, as a different service handles permanent or long-term disability assistance.
So they basically just needed my name, and didn't even ask for ID or insurance info, etc. They asked if I needed a self-propelled chair or a transport chair. We said a transport chair would suffice, but they said the self-propelled ones are more comfortable, so we were agreeable enough. The first one they brought out didn't work well, since with even leaning on it gently the wheels would rub against the frame and produce a lot of annoying friction. So they pulled out another one which worked fine in a little test-drive around the shop, and we took that one home.
By the time we got home, the headache was pretty much at migraine level, and I managed to sleep for about 3 hours. The headache was still there as soon as I sat up, but not as nasty. I gave my new hot/cold packs a try, and they worked great. Basically they come with a little cloth cover and a velcro strap. I promptly wrapped it around my throbbing head, moving the ice section around as the headache moved around. I was also able to hold two of my small non-medical ice packs under the strap, so entertained my fiance with my stylish head gear for a while
I then did a Neti pot to clear out my sinuses, since my chronic sinusitis can contribute to headaches, and that seemed to help a bit. I also took some folic acid (I don't have any MTHFR problems) as that can help if my headache was due to eating any MSG/E621 recently. And then I batted my eyelashes until my fiance gave me a back and neck massage, with some extra rubbing at the base of my skull, since that can help if any tension is contributing to the headache. And then I had a double espresso. And my evil headache of doom finally gave up and is now almost entirely gone unless I try to think too hard or move around too much!
The headache might be due to a herx reaction due to Lyme die off, as it's one of the basic symptoms for it. But I haven't had one before while on the antibiotics, so I'm more inclined to think it was due to food and/or swelling.