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Improved methylation in other ways?


Senior Member
I'm having more and more trouble with my methylation protocol and wonder why. It seems it's not just lack of cofactors but some other factor. Maybe the one causing the problem in the first place is getting worse.

I have read a few different theories on what could cause methylation problems: Metals, oxidative stress, infections etc. My question: Has anyone here, by adressing other issues, found that their methylation started working better?


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
I think detox has been a big part of my increased wellness. I worked on this along w/ methylation protocol. My sense is that if you haven't dealt w/ metals, fungus, SIBO, infection, you're working w/ a very heavy handicap, burden.

At present I'm back onto a detox regimen. Even after a few weeks, going slowly, I feel better. Not a huge difference in activity I can do, but feeling lighter, brighter, easier.


Senior Member
I have read a few different theories on what could cause methylation problems: Metals, oxidative stress, infections etc. My question: Has anyone here, by adressing other issues, found that their methylation started working better?

According to bioenergetic testing upcoming infections (primary viruses) make my condition worse at several steps during the methylation protocol. As upcoming viruses infect the bacteria, they can create dysbiosis in the gut with higher proteobacteria (they increase inflammation), and less firmicutes (they have important inflammation decreasing bugs).
Maybe a natural regime for treating viruses, as well as take something for dysbiosis helps.