Immunologist recommending flu vaccines


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Sounds like an immune challenge to me too.. sounds like if your doctor wants to find out if you have got something like Primary Immune Deficiency and wasnt to use this as a test to find out. (with the added bonus probably going throu his head that it also will protect you from those things he wants to vaccinate you for, if it turns out you dont have this).

If you dont want the vaccines.. see if he can have you tested in another way (I cant remember how but there are certain signs from blood tests used for I think for diagnosing it Not creating antibodies to vaccines is just one thing they focus on with it when diagnosing someone).


Senior Member
New Mexico
I avoid vaccines like the plague............just going by my intuition and the fact that nearly all the people I know of that get the flu vaccination end up getting sick with the flu anyway! I can't believe the number of vaccinations there are these days. A neighbor of mine who had a baby last year showed me the paperwork that showed all the vaccinations her baby had. 9 in all..........and the baby was premature.......this is crazy if you ask me.
I never had a flu vaccine and never had the flu. My brother got H1N1 and my parents decided I should get my first flu vaccine (I was like 14/15 at the time.) I've still never had the flu. I had all the other shots as a little kid, but my parents said no to the Gardasil vaccine and I agreed. There's no long term research on it and many of these other vaccines. I think some of them are okay, but not all.

Diet and lifestyle also a huge factor. If it weren't for all the "playas" that eat, sleep, and breathe casual sex, Gardasil might not have been as necessary. Also, the crappy diets many people engage in has got to be horrible for a healthy immune system.

The flu shot is a lottery--there's a chance it might not work at all, there's a chance it could protect you from getting the flu, and then there's that chance you could suffer permanent side effects. I'm not getting it this year. That being said, I'm also not eating a poor diet nor do I neglect to take preventative measures like basic common sense hygiene (wash your hands, don't touch your face, cover your coughs/sneezes, etc.) I want to prevent it and build up my immune system without the vaccine. That's just my personal preference, though. Everyone should make their own informed decision. :)


Senior Member
what would you do if your employer made it mandatory or else they will fire you to get flu shot? they allow medical or religious waver but there are very narrow specifications on what constitutes medical waiver, and just having yr doc sign it is not enough somehow. This is in US in midwest. Does this seem like foreshadowing of things to come on larger scale? Anyway, how would one find a way to avoid the flu shot and keep the job?


senior member
Concord, NH
what would you do if your employer made it mandatory or else they will fire you to get flu shot? they allow medical or religious waver but there are very narrow specifications on what constitutes medical waiver, and just having yr doc sign it is not enough somehow. This is in US in midwest. Does this seem like foreshadowing of things to come on larger scale? Anyway, how would one find a way to avoid the flu shot and keep the job?

Perhaps this site will help?:



Senior Member
Thanks GG. That is a good site. My state is lame tho and doesn't have an advocacy group unfortunately. not sure i feel like starting one myself know what i mean :) but I am going to pursue this as far as I can.


senior member
Concord, NH
Thanks GG. That is a good site. My state is lame tho and doesn't have an advocacy group unfortunately. not sure i feel like starting one myself know what i mean :) but I am going to pursue this as far as I can.

Sorry to hear that, can you afford to speak to a lawyer or perhaps there is someon that website you could contact, and help you find a Dr to address your concerns?


PS Luckily I am not in the health field, but I do work in a liberal state, which was/is considering making it mandatory. Not sure what my current Dr would do, but I was seeing a different one a couple of years ago, when that "swine" flu was going around. I enquired, and this Dr had young children, his wife was pregnant, and he just relayed his story that NO ONE in his family was getting the shot! He said gather your advice from that, he was internal medicine, and so is my current doc, they are both good, so perhaps if you find a good Internal Medicine doc, they could help you out?