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Immunobilan test?


Senior Member
Hey guys,

I few months ago my Dr. did an ImmunoBilan test on me. Its basically a test that measures IGM and IGA immune response against several gut bacteria. The theory is, if you have these antibodies in your blood it means the bacteria have entered the bloodstream and your guy is leaky. Drs use antibiotics to beat them back and you are supposed to feel better. I believe KDM does this treatment.

I am wondering, what is a "normal" value for this test? At first I had many elevated IGM and IGA values. I then took Rifaximin (an antibiotic) and now my test has no IGM values, but a few of my IGA ones persist. My doctor says thats "normal" and I don't need to be treated again. But I don't feel any better. I am wondering if anyone else who has done this treatment can comment on what constitutes finishing the treatment? Are lingering IGA antibodies "normal", or did your doctor treat until they were all gone? Did you end up feeling any better in the end?


Senior Member
I did this test several times. Had high IgM and IgA against certain bacteria. Got treated with antibiotics. Values dropped but they never were completely normal. Didn't feel much improvement from it. Probably plays a role in CFS but is not the cause.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
i Have had consistantly high iga immunoglobulins, borderline high igm and igg immunoglobulins. My doc just says that it shows your immune system is activated or irritated. I think iga immunoglob play a aprt of the health of mucous lining in the body ans this is where possiblr infections are??


It's a waste of money.

I had this test and had the treatment, and I keep in touch with another KDM patient who also did it and had the treatment. We both found that the test results had no correlation with our gut or other symptoms. Following treatment, her results were much better, but she felt the same as before, and mine were worse, I had slightly better guts but felt drastically worse generally. It was throwing up totally random results.

It is certainly not a reliable test for leaky gut.

We both came to the conclusion that this test is not measuring anything that is useful to know, and the results cannot be translated into any form of useful therapy.


Senior Member
OK thanks for all the info. Is there another more accurate way to figure out what is causing my leaky gut? My standard parasite, c. diff, etc.. stuff always comes back negative. I avoid all the foods I'm allergic to. SIBO test negative. Still leaking according to the lactulose mannitol test.


Senior Member
OK thanks for all the info. Is there another more accurate way to figure out what is causing my leaky gut? My standard parasite, c. diff, etc.. stuff always comes back negative. I avoid all the foods I'm allergic to. SIBO test negative. Still leaking according to the lactulose mannitol test.

Hi, acer.

Have you run the methylation pathways panel? If you have a partial methylation cycle block, which this panel tests for, that will also mean that the folates in the cells are depleted. Folates are needed to make new DNA and RNA so that the cells can divide to make new cells. This is important for the lining of the gut, because the cells there have fairly short lifetimes and need to be replaced soon by new cells. If the process for making new cells is inhibited by folate depletion, I suspect that the lining of the gut will suffer. Another aspect of this is that glutathione will also be depleted if there is a methylation cycle partial block, and that is important for protecting the gut from oxidative stress and toxins.

Best regards,



iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
If immunoglobulins test low then someone should be a candidate for gammaglobulin therapy which can give the immune system a boost.



OK thanks for all the info. Is there another more accurate way to figure out what is causing my leaky gut? My standard parasite, c. diff, etc.. stuff always comes back negative. I avoid all the foods I'm allergic to. SIBO test negative. Still leaking according to the lactulose mannitol test.

You could try taking these supplements:

Glucosamine Hcl (Jarrow)
N-Acetyl Glucosamine (Jarrow)

I've been using them for about 6 months now. They restored my ability to make GLUT-5 and thus absorb fructose in a matter of weeks. I've been testing milk and gluten and NOT getting headaches from them any more, which makes me think they have done some major mending of the leakiness.


Still working on it all..
Melbourne, Australia
Hi folks,

With KDM it's only one part of the testing regime he uses. I doubt he would treat anyone on this test alone. Stool testing is also used. See here for an idea of these: http://www.redlabs.be/red-labs/our-tests/intestinal-dysfunction-assays.php

Have you thought of doing a fructose breath test for malabsorption? It's pretty common in ME/CFS folk and if we 'fail' it wheat is a real culprit, amongst other things. Sorry if you're already past that part of testing. Just a thought...

As for therapy I'm very happy with what KDM has done for me. I have an improved life thanks to the various a/b's treatment etc. I don't think it's helpful to throw the baby out with the bath water here...:)