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Im getting depressed every time Im getting a mild fever


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Last night it happened to me again thou I can control usually if I get symptoms or not, by keeping my activity level way down.

Last night I got a very mild subclinical fever for no reason at all (my temp suddenly goes up .4-.5 celicus more then it usually runs at (the temp shift wasnt female hormonally related).

These fevers when I get them are accompanied by a frontal headache.. the one last night strangely felt like an ice headache. The last 3 times Ive got one of those fever/headaches.. I find myself quite badly emotionally affected too, depressed to the point where I truely dont care if I live or die. This feeling comes in with the fever.

When all that when it happens (it actually happened just before I knew my temp had gone up) I can also start heat craving.. feeling like Im needing an abnormal amount of heat.

The heat craving last night sucked as I was sitting on the heater due to feeling strong need to be very warm, while at the same time setting off the POTS due to the heat :( . Those 2 symptoms do not go well together at all.

Im back to usual self and symptom free again this morning.

Im wondering why my emotions could be so badly being affected everytime I get one of those subclinical fevers which come with mild headache? (I did have some malaise with the whole incident which wasnt post excertionall).


Senior Member
Virginia, USA
Im wondering why my emotions could be so badly being affected everytime I get one of those subclinical fevers which come with mild headache?

There is a known association between inflammation and depression.

Have you tried taking an anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen?

What was your last measured TSH level?


Senior Member
Sth Australia
There is a known association between inflammation and depression.

Have you tried taking an anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen?

What was your last measured TSH level?

Thanks .. I hadnt thought of that link so thanks. I ended up right before bed dosing up on anti-inflammatories and that actually did help. So maybe this is the reason for the depression which happens too.

My TSH is measured yearly and is fine.

Does anyone know if incidents of inflammation in the body can cause loose bowels?
I have that happening this morning.. not sure if its coincidental or part of this whole symptom pattern Im having.

I need to pay attention to after affects to find out if this is just coincidental or happening each time too.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I would suggest the reverse as more plausible.

It definately didnt happen in the reverse order (I suffer from constipation predominant IBS so Im wasnt like this before)

or are you meaning by your post that inflammation is more likely to cause constipation rather then loose bowels?

K2 for Hope

ALways Hoping
Jacksonville, FL 32258
I was just reading something on one of the links on the ProHealth site from a Dr about a study she was doing on inflamation and what happens to bodily functions when it occurs (even slightly) in the brain. I'll see if I can find the link, but it sounds a lot like all the symptoms you are describing.

Here is the link:


I you go to www.prohealth.com and look at the article titled, "Disrupted Sleep and Pain: Breaking the Chain". it describes similar symptoms.

About half-ay through the article it states, " Professor Eve Van Cauter of the University of Chicago sums it up best when she states that Lack of sleep disrupts every physiologic function in the body.

Hope this might help.


Senior Member
Hi Tania

I'm so sorry to hear what you're going through. Maybe try get your c4a markers checked, they're an indication of inflammation in the body. If its any help, I'm going through a similar thing- some of my meds are making me crazy and having all sorts of side effects. When it happens (and most of the time, anyway) I don't care if I live or die, just as long as I'm put out of my pain. I used to get the fevers as well, out of nowhere, and the only thing I can recall is overexhaustion causing them or when I had a virus. I hope youre better soon.

Best wishes


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Valentijin are you saying that neurotransmitters control the body temp? or that body temp can screw up neuro transmitters?

Actually, I was trying to say that a gut issue (virus/bacteria/parasite) may have created the inflammatory state you mentioned.

thanks. I understand you now. yeah i think something like that must be going on. Ive never had a doctor take a good look at my gut so havent had the tests I would of liked to have had done.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Hi Tania

I'm so sorry to hear what you're going through.

no need to feel sorry for me.. Im really going throu a good patch at the moment. These issues Im getting (thou on and off bad) are very minor compared to the past. Im happy Im doing so well.

Maybe try get your c4a markers checked, they're an indication of inflammation in the body. (/quote)

Im not sure what c4a markers are. Throu out having ME thou my ESR climbed.. actually got higher each year.. until it was at the top number of what is classifed as normal in 2007 (it originally was at mid range). Ive come a bit better and since then it hasnt climbed any more and sits at that number. I suspect thou, due to the climbing when I was worst.. this illness must be causing inflammation.

If its any help, I'm going through a similar thing- some of my meds are making me crazy and having all sorts of side effects. When it happens (and most of the time, anyway) I don't care if I live or die, just as long as I'm put out of my pain. I used to get the fevers as well, out of nowhere, and the only thing I can recall is overexhaustion causing them or when I had a virus.

sending you some ***hugz*** I can get fevers too caused by doing too much (its one of my bodies warning signs a night fever.. that I need to cut back activities), that fever the other day wasnt caused by that thou.

I dont think? it was pain the other day making me feel like I didnt care if I lived or died.. the pain (thou it did bother me)wasnt that bad enough for it to cause that kind of emotional reaction to me.. but that feeling was there being caused by something else I believe.

Maybe as what is being said.. it was inflammation of some kind, causing my mood state.
Inflammation by some gut issue? (virus/bacteria/parasite).

I have an appointment with my CFS specialist on Thursday.. I may bring all this up with him and see if I could have some tests or something.


Senior Member
Valentijin are you saying that neurotransmitters control the body temp? or that body temp can screw up neuro transmitters?

Serotonin affects temperature, mood, sleep, and nociception. It looks like low serotonin can result in lower body temp, depression, sleep issues, and reduced ability to block out noxious stimuli.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Serotonin affects temperature, mood, sleep, and nociception. It looks like low serotonin can result in lower body temp, depression, sleep issues, and reduced ability to block out noxious stimuli.

Thank you for the explaination.

I dont nowdays tend to get issues with abnormally low body temperature (thou did in like stage 2 of my illness but havent had low body temp now for a very long time).

Its mild fevers which is the issue. Ive tried serotonin raising drug for sleep..and it didnt help at all (I possibly have had issue with excess serotonin.. my body may be putting out too much at times.. Ive been rushed to hospital with all the signs of serotonin syndrome thou I wasnt even on serotonin drugs at the time).

check out which talks about a CFS study and high serotonin http://www.chronicfatiguetreatments.com/wordpress/treatments/serotonin-and-cfs/ That could be one of the reasons why many who have ME react poorly (myself included) to serotonin raising drugs.

My hormonal issues seem to be all different then low serotonin ones. (it was high insulin which gave me my mood swings and sucidal issues and issues too with female hormone imbalances).