It is possible of course that the common link between ME/CFS, depression, fibro, heart conditions and neuro conditions is = inflammation, ie the natural attempt of the body to heal and rewire itself. We have been used to dividing medical conditions into this one and that one and creating medical specialities, but the difference may not be so much between them all and the link may be inflammation. The difficulty is that the 'cure' is also the problem. Wherever you have inflammation you have pain, reduced function and disturbance of sleep etc.
The question for me, I suppose, is why is a process which is supposed to protect and heal the body so damaging and not self limiting? And why do some people get inflammation in one part of the body (eg arteries, as in coronary artery disease) and others get it elsewhere (joints, as in arthritis, brain as in ME, connective tissue as in - forgotten name of condition! etc). Is it genetic weakness that makes one area of the body vulnerable as opposed to another, or perhaps a retrovirus or other immune system anatagonist preferring a particular organ, or a general stirring up of the immune system, or physical trauma, or ageing wear & tear, or a bit of everything? What are we missing here?
I think also in the greater evolutionary scheme of things, these illnesses indicate that we have reached the limits of the human organism in being able to repair itself and regenerate health. We are not as evolved as we might like to be. Most of us don't age in perfect health for eg we gradually deteriorate. A lot of this is due to inflammation and free radicals. Diet is not the whole answer, nor is environment.
Perhaps the next step will be an evolutionary biological one for the body - as huge as the change in walking on all fours to becoming bipeds and the increase in the size of the human brain as a result?
If the human organism can not evolve and solve this inflammatory riddle, it will not survive.