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IiME UK Rituximab trials website (2017)


Senior Member
I posted the website address on a previous thread:

The Invest in ME UK Rituximab Clinical Trial and B-cell Studies

Welcome to the UK rituximab trial Home page

Invest in ME is a UK charity campaigning for a strategy of biomedical research into Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) and promoting better education about ME.

This website describes the UK rituximab trial project and related B-cell study research which Invest in ME has initiated and has been organising since the international biomedical researchers meeting and conference which the charity organised on 30/31 May 2013 and which was announced on Invest in ME website on 6th June.
We are doing this to further advance biomedical research into ME and provide hope for some to regain their lives, and for others to benefit from improved knowledge about this disease.

“Looking at the research directions currently being pursued in ME/CFS, I am in no doubt that the usage of rituximab is one of the most promising.”

- Emeritus Professor Jonathan Edwards

“Invest in ME are at the forefront of international biomedical research and have by sheer determination and effort managed to put things in place for a trial of rituximab to begin on ME patients in the UK.”

- Professor Malcolm Hooper & Margaret William

Jo Best

Senior Member
I notice that £512,000 out of the £520,000 target has been raised for the UK Rituximab trial.

Is it worth running a campaign to raise the other £8,000?
It would be great if you or anyone could give this a boost.
Let's Do It for ME is the patient community campaign but is run by people with severe ME so all support and fresh ideas or impetus, spreading the word etc. very much appreciated.
This was the quick update on reaching £700k (for gut and rituximab/B-cell funds): http://ldifme.org/2017/05/19/crowdfunding-update/

Battery Muncher

Senior Member
It would be great if you or anyone could give this a boost.
Let's Do It for ME is the patient community campaign but is run by people with severe ME so all support and fresh ideas or impetus, spreading the word etc. very much appreciated.
This was the quick update on reaching £700k (for gut and rituximab/B-cell funds): http://ldifme.org/2017/05/19/crowdfunding-update/

Will think about this. And maybe make a thread or something at the weekend :thumbsup: