iherb - 22% off sale - ends Nov. 12, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. PST


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Texas Hill Country
Nice, during black Friday 2019 I remember they gave you 10$ if new customer uses your referral code on his first order (must be over 40$). Wonder if they will do that this year.
I don't remember that - I've never kept track of my referral code, though it sounds like it might be worth doing!


Senior Member
I buy from iherb but I am giving a warning from personal experience.I would avoid Now Foods brand bought via iherb.
I have bought a bottle of Beta alanine, seemingly at half its normal price, only to find out that it's diluted with something at around 50%.I have bought 2-3 brands of BA and this one wasn't sugar like, it was like sugar and a fine powder were mixed together.I went to a local supplements shop and found the exact same product, only to find that it had very different texture, it was obvious to both of us without needing to open it.

Also it seemed like it needed double the dosage to feel the same effect.I can gauge this from the tingling effect it causes when you take it on an empty stomach.I gave a dosage to the supp guy and he also confirmed it, he is a friend of mine and he was honest.

I emailed both companies and I won't get into details here but something was definitely fishy regarding their responses.If I had to guess I'd say that both companies were/are involved to this.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
I've had growing misgivings about iHerb fro some time now. I can;t remember what triggered that, or what followd after that to sort of hammer that feeling home, but I haven't ordered anything from them in years.

As for NOW being in collusion with iHerb, I still have some respect for Now Foods, tho there's some things I just wont order from them, and it could simply have been a case of their not wanting to damage their relationship with one of the largest sellers of their products, so they stuck to the iHerb script.

Which is only a few steps above outright collusion and knowingly selling an adulterated product, but such is the sad, sad world we live in that those niggling distinctions need to be made ....

Thank you @stefanosstef for the heads up !!! :hug::hug::hug: :love:
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Senior Member
Thank you the info @stefanosstef, I remember trying 1000mg (tablet form) NAC supplement from iherb Now Foods and found it had no effect, but contrary to that 600mg (capsule form) NAC supplement from iherb Now Foods was helping significantly, maybe they were diluting specifically 1000mg, but not 600mg? Anyway, I'll try to avoid buying Now Foods from iHerb, unfortunately iHerb is the only online store with good prices and free, fast shipping to my country, so will have to stick to iHerb...


Senior Member
Thank you the info @stefanosstef, I remember trying 1000mg (tablet form) NAC supplement from iherb Now Foods and found it had no effect, but contrary to that 600mg (capsule form) NAC supplement from iherb Now Foods was helping significantly, maybe they were diluting specifically 1000mg, but not 600mg? Anyway, I'll try to avoid buying Now Foods from iHerb, unfortunately iHerb is the only online store with good prices and free, fast shipping to my country, so will have to stick to iHerb...

Did the 1000mg bottle had a great discount?Like the-best-deal-in-the-history-of-deals kinda discount? :p

As for NOW being in collusion with iHerb, I still have some respect for Now Foods, tho there's some things I just wont order from them, and it could simply have been a case of their not wanting to damage their relationship with one of the largest sellers of their products, so they stuck to the iHerb script.

Which is only a few steps above outright collusion and knowingly selling an adulterated product, but such is the sad, sad world we live in that those niggling distinctions need to be made ....

Thank you @stefanosstef for the heads up !!! :hug::hug::hug: :love:

I'm sure it was diluted with something simple and safe but it was a huge, in your face scam what they did.And dumb too, choosing from all supps the Beta alanine, the purity of which is easy to gauge.
The cap was sealed.iHerb diluting it by themselves?Maybe, that's what I thought initially.But it's more probable they were in collusion, so as to be able to drop the price to half of the regular price.I don't think that Now Foods missed the price iHerb was selling it.And it wasn't a limited time deal, it was on for quite some time, that indicates it was the whole batch like that.

I too somewhat trust Now Foods and I still buy from them outsite of iherb (hesitating though), if there aren't any superior brands available for the product I want.


Senior Member
It had very good discount from Black Friday, but that discount applied to all iHerb products I ordered. Something tells me I will not be ordering Now Foods from iherb this Black Friday.
I'd be less worried if that was the case.To me it looked like this "lets sell a somewhat expensive supplement at half a price and make some money.We'll give you a cheap batch and you can sell it cheap".The deal was too good to pass, so I bought it trusting both companies.I believe it applies to certain products and batches, if that even happens regularly.It probably has happened and will happen again if they did it one time, I assume.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
I too somewhat trust Now Foods and I still buy from them outsite of iherb (hesitating though), if there aren't any superior brands available for the product I want.
Same here. With the exception of their essential oils in 1, 2, and 4 oz sizes, which seem to my not entirely untrained nose to be pretty good. Otherwise, generally pretty much any other decent brand wins, hands down. And for me, iHerb is just a total no-go, not now, not ever.

I understand the difficulties, tho, if you're ordering from Europe or Australia, where iHerb has made themselves ubiquitous, affordable, and reasonbly dependable.

Well, except for the occasional adulteration.
The cap was sealed.iHerb diluting it by themselves?
You're right !!! What was I thinking??

I think that it's possible that Now just screwed up a batch with something harmless and rather than toss the whole run, they did a deal with iHerb (who strikes me as always being open to wheeling and dealing, dont ask me why, that's just a possibly unfair impression) to sell it at a HUUUUGE discount, telling themselves that it was a win-win .... customer gets a fairly spendy supplement at a really, really irresistibly affordable price, they don't have to trash hundreds upon hundreds of thou in product, iHerb gets thier cut, everyone's happy.
The deal was too good to pass, so I bought it trusting both companies.I believe it applies to certain products and batches, if that even happens regularly
It probably has happened and will happen again if they did it one time, I assume.
It does seem like a risky move for NOW, tho, what with the adulterated product being way less effective, and so easy to identify as adulterated..
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