IGE levels before and after

Hey everyone

I have 2 questions

Has anyone ever had their IGE measured before vaccination and it come back very high (for example over 800) and then measured after vaccination and it being very low (for example under 5)?

Also same question above but at the same time developing multiple allergies, sensitivities and severe fatigue?

vision blue

Senior Member
A guess but could it be a rapid move from the blood to the tissues ? (So no longer measurable in blood and moved to tissues because of the allergic response)

Are those your numbers or is this hypothetical?
Thank you for the response. The numbers are not hypothetical, multiple tests over the last 10 years have came back around 4 and 5. I’ve never thought about what you mentioned that’s interesting. Do you think if it did go into the tissues after vaccination that all these years later it would have came back out into the blood? About 10 years ago while the IGE levels were very high I felt great overall and was very active. After receiving 4 vaccines I am now bedridden and trying to figure out what happened and trying to help myself get better. The IGE level is one of the few blood tests that I have that show a dramatic difference both before and after vaccination and now I’m allergic and sensitive to just about everything.