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Identifying and Managing Suicidality in ME/CFS (Chu et al., 2021)


Senior Member
U.S., Earth
Identifying and Managing Suicidality in ME/CFS (Chu et al., 2021)

Adult patients affected by myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) are at an increased risk of death by suicide. Based on the scientific literature and our clinical/research experiences, we identify risk and protective factors and provide a guide to assessing and managing suicidality in an outpatient medical setting.

A clinical case is used to illustrate how information from this article can be applied. Characteristics of ME/CFS that make addressing suicidality challenging include absence of any disease-modifying treatments, severe functional limitations, and symptoms which limit therapies. Decades-long misattribution of ME/CFS to physical deconditioning or psychiatric disorders have resulted in undereducated healthcare professionals, public stigma, and unsupportive social interactions.

Consequently, some patients may be reluctant to engage with mental health care. Outpatient medical professionals play a vital role in mitigating these effects. By combining evidence-based interventions aimed at all suicidal patients with those adapted to individual patients’ circumstances, suffering and suicidality can be alleviated in ME/CFS. Increased access to newer virtual or asynchronous modalities of psychiatric/psychological care, especially for severely ill patients, may be a silver lining of the COVID-19 pandemic.
(spacing added for readability)


Senior Member
To me the suicidal thoughts has always been a symptom. Its not driven by my loss of self or life and capability it is something my brain is doing due to whatever the heck is happening within the body. I get significant suicide thoughts everytime I crash and they subside once most of the crash is gone, regardless of how capable or how much pain I am tolerating at the time. Any intervention that is just CBT like is not going to work against what is clearly brain chemicals.

There is also zero chance they get to ship me to a hospital when I am crashed, that is only going to make me worse. Light and sound sensitivity and an inability to move means that hospital trips are dangerous. All this ignores the fact that there is zero chance I ever walk into a Medical building without the ability to walk out of it too given how many people have been tortured by these people. They aren't addressing the root of the problem and in doing so fail to even recognize and address the unique challenges of the disease. They might not be advocating for exercise anymore but they still aren't listening.


Senior Member
To me the suicidal thoughts has always been a symptom. Its not driven by my loss of self or life and capability it is something my brain is doing due to whatever the heck is happening within the body. I get significant suicide thoughts everytime I crash and they subside once most of the crash is gone, regardless of how capable or how much pain I am tolerating at the time. Any intervention that is just CBT like is not going to work against what is clearly brain chemicals.

There is also zero chance they get to ship me to a hospital when I am crashed, that is only going to make me worse. Light and sound sensitivity and an inability to move means that hospital trips are dangerous. All this ignores the fact that there is zero chance I ever walk into a Medical building without the ability to walk out of it too given how many people have been tortured by these people.
I hear you I see you I know you I am you.

Sometimes I feel suicidal because often ME is unmanageable. I loose hope when I feel that I can't control anything. Something bad is happening in the brain and you can't help your body heal. Maybe God punished me because prior to getting ME I wasn't grateful for all I had in my life. And now I don't understand why I wasn't.
Since ME is unpredictable, I don't know what is my future. And I don't know how realistic it is to expect cure for this in the future.


Senior Member
Sometimes I feel suicidal because often ME is unmanageable. I loose hope when I feel that I can't control anything. Something bad is happening in the brain and you can't help your body heal. Maybe God punished me because prior to getting ME I wasn't grateful for all I had in my life. And now I don't understand why I wasn't.
Since ME is unpredictable, I don't know what is my future. And I don't know how realistic it is to expect cure for this in the future.
Completely relate maybe this could help- Search results | Phoenix Rising ME/CFS Forums
