My understanding is that several Leukemia Viruses exist (Simian, Human, Bovine, Murine, Feline, etc). The human version jumped from apes to humans 100,000 years ago, and perhaps the mouse version has jumped to humans as well (more recently, as is the case is HIV). My belief is that all of these Leukemia Viruses are very closely related in terms of the disorders they cause to humans, so in that sense, giving them new names is confusing, and viewing them as separate entities is a waste of time also. I've been sick for a year, and have symptoms of HTLV, but can't test positive for it through several antibody tests (along with a PCR test). No doctor is going to tell me what I have, but if any of you asked me what we all have, my answer to you would be that we have a Leukemia Virus. Which one you might ask? Why does it matter would be my reply. What matters to me (and to all of us) is that we find some treatment that brings us relief from our suffering. Since the virus survives by taking advantage of inflammation factors, shutting down inflammation is a viable antiviral approach. Other approaches are generic antiviral therapy (e.g. Lysine), along with epigenetic modifiers (Azacytidine), and demethylating agents (green tea tablets).
Here's the list of treatment options that I've come up with so far:
(1) Anti-inflammation (over the counter supplements): Curcumin and wedelolactone tablets block kinase inflammation signals (JAK, IKK, CDK, and Nf-Kb) that Leukemia Viruses use to survive.
(2) Anti-inflammation (pharmaceutical drugs effective against LV): Tofacitinib shown effective against HTLV by inhibiting Janus kinase (JAK). Approved by the FDA for 11-21-2012.
(3) Anti-inflammation (pharmaceutical drugs effective against LV): BMS-345541 and Purvalanol-A shown effective against HTLV by inhitibiting kinases IKK and CDK respectively.
(4) Demethylating agents: Fucoidan and green tea tablets limit viral reproduction via demethlyation.
(5) Anti-viral (over the counter supplements): Lysine.
(6) Epigenetic modifiers: Azacytidine (Vidaza) successfully treated a 58 year old HTLV patient in Greece; not only does Azacytidine 'correct' aberrant cell function, but also it serves as a demethylating agent, limiting viral reproduction.
(7) Hyperthermia: Suggested as a treatment for HTLV in a paper by Hatanaka, and provided by the Siberian Research Institute of Hyperthermia (bringing the body temperature to 111 degrees F).
(8) Anti-viral (compounds effective against any virus): DRACO, a broad spectrum antiviral created by Dr. Todd Rider of MIT, has been shown effective against 15 different viruses. As time and funding permit, Dr. Rider and his team will continue to test DRACO against ALL known viruses, with the eventual goal of proving that DRACO works against ANY virus, including Leukemia Viruses.
Two people mentioned on the HTLV help Face Book page work with floors (one is a floor installer, the other is a floor washer), both are practically wheel chair bound by the virus, and both are married with children. Fortunately, their spouses and children are not sick. How do two people in monogamous marriages (and non IV users) with children become infected? They both have floors in common, and floors are where mice are found, so therefore I believe that they were infected through their jobs working with floors. This brings my point full circle that whatever Leukemia Virus you might have, its spread is ubiquitous enough that we're seeing people (who aren't in a high risk group like these two people) getting sick, so sick that they cannot walk. Add to that the 58 year old HTLV patient in Greece (married, with a HTLV negative wife) who became deathly ill and was saved by 8 months of Azacytidine treatments. Again, leukemia viruses are becoming so prevalent that they can no longer be attributed to classic high risk groups (gays, IV drug users, prostitutes, etc). Since the medical industry refuses to help us, we need to help ourselves - I would recommend that anyone who can get access to Tofacitinib when it becomes available (supposedly November 21, 2012) do so. If this drug alleviates your suffering, you will have reached the first plateau.
Best wishes.