ibs relief seeking simple ways to naturally help :) advice

Hi. Anyone know anyway to get relief from an ibs flare up that is not soothing with the usual wait times and toilet relief. It has been several hours now and i was walking around the shopping center doubled over in pain holding onto my toddlers stroller so it obviously didn't look as bad except when i went at the shelves, or around the parents room still bent over and ppl looking at me oddly as i grasped things for balance and my stomach in pain.

I have been to the dr for my blood test results-low iron (to be expected, as ongoing issue and esp lately struggled to balance diet with stress issues-lots of calcium added that probably affected absorption too-lately been having more vit c and too much frutose that aggravated my symptoms.
Yes, I know fructose to balance with glucose helps that. :)

I need to up my iron to help with that fatigue exhaustion (still get fatigued from other sources like pem and stresses-just don't need the iron deficiency also).

I have been recommended a supplement at a lower dose that meets my religious and personal beliefs about foods for myself. So i will see how that goes-it is suppose to be tummy friendly.

How do you all go about getting iron up? Also in general dealing with severe pain-I went and brought some turmeric pepper suppelements to make it easier than the messy powder and one less thing for me to do while stressed out ill. (turmeric suppose to be pain relief and anti inflammatory)

I have also brought more essential oils to put on my body and smell to help reduce stress and the body to relax more (lavender so far used). I also have peppermint and euclayptus oils availalbe.

Anyone have any vegan pref natural suitable methods for ibs relief?
Messy poo this morning 2x including when a taxi was already on its way to get me to a lawyer appt(then other things to do today-all the while alone with a special needs toddler). and then out at shopping center-lots of wind on both ends (mouth mainly and bottom) and then very constipated too but not much there and nauseated alot. severe painful cramps are the worse. along with the other symptoms i got that are chronic and some acute with stresses, injury recoveries and illness. trying to focus on positives and keep going, just reaching out here to see if anyone can understand what it is like and relate and any advice.

the feeling of being alone in pain even if others are around but not really understanding or helpful is also difficult-so i am glad to be able to be strong enough to reach out here and speak out a vent and advice request and support. thanks. :)

Just a summary of some of the stress i am under-its not enough to say get rid of stress. I am chilling out alot at night when so wide awake by then and resting body even though mind overactive and so many things to do. I just lay in bed and or watch youtube documentaries or do spiritual practices.

Anything i can do to add that is not going to worsen symptoms? On side note-i have put my son on a gluten free diet and have been trying to follow that aswell(just using up the remaining gluten items myself here and there-but not buying anymore-and really have reduced my gluten load down-but still getting this pain-probably just stress related).
also i am hoping to take a shower and relax in such sometime this evening-just sitting down a bit now before i can even manage that (temp regulation issues gets challenging at times with the dizziness and having to rest afterwards in bed) so have to wait until my toddler is settled enough to go through that process, atm just sitting down trying to organise my thoughts and rest body a bit before getting to the basics here, dragging myself through that, then a shower and hopefully he will be settled enough for me to rest then too. i take mini rests in the day when at home, its stressful being out so much with appts and errands-really messes up digestion too and the symptoms from that.


Forum Support Assistant
Here are some possibilities to consider:

Slippery elm can be used anywhere there is inflammation, bleeding, IBS, colitis, etc. Mix 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon in 1-2 cups hot water and drink 1 tablespoon every hour away from food and medications, or two tablespoons every couple of hours away from food and medications. It's also available in capsules.

Low FODMAP diet. http://www.ibsdiets.org/fodmap-diet/fodmap-food-list/

Many possibilities from the readers at EarthClinic: https://earthclinic.com/ailments/irritable-bowel-syndrome/
* Sauerkraut
* Slippery elm
* Apple Cider Vinegar - 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon AM and PM
* Baking soda - 1/4 to 1/2 tsp in 4-8oz water AM and PM
* Avoiding chlorinated tap water
* Avoiding modern strains of wheat, using heirloom varieties or spelt which is easier to digest

Greatly improved by neutralizing chloramine, from Hip on Phoenix Rising:
He starting adding a very small amount of vitamin C to his tap water to neutralize chloramine and found that his IBS-D symptoms improved within 24 hours.

Iberogast. Review and info here: http://www.badgut.org/information-centre/product-reviews/iberogast/
Thank you... That's a good list to refer to for ongoing issues I have.

What ended up happening yesterday that brought 90% relief instantly to even my amazement-was that I was having a chat with a guy I am close with but had some tensions about various things going on and once I had spoken certain confident assertive truths in myself relation to the connection with him being more grounded and assured of the good qualities there in such still admist difficulties - I instantly within seconds literally got relief from the cramps and pain that nothing else had worked so far.

And those pains cramps were so bad that I had to really breathe through them at times. I think that not only trigger foods it's also trigger emotions to be careful of.

Truly biochemistry is very much a factor and in my case really causes alot of issues in my health to go one way or the other.

I still have trigger foods and a body that is quite sensitive and requires a lot of balance trying to juggle it's affects with being so sensitive in various ways.

Thanks for noticing my difficulties and providing advice :) I appreciate it :)


Forum Support Assistant
I instantly within seconds literally got relief from the cramps and pain that nothing else had worked so far.

I'm glad you've found relief and an important trigger. Stress has many negative effects on the body. Many people don't realize how much physical discomfort can be created by their own thoughts and emotions.


Senior Member
It's often that what seems to be iron deficiency is really low copper, especially when adding more iron doesn't help.

Copper enzymes regulate iron so that it goes where needed rather than being deposited in the liver and other tissues.
It's often that what seems to be iron deficiency is really low copper, especially when adding more iron doesn't help.

Copper enzymes regulate iron so that it goes where needed rather than being deposited in the liver and other tissues.
Interesting I will have to look into that thanks


Senior Member
Some of your symptoms may be from low copper, even though a vegetarian diet can have many food sources.

Dizziness and body temp. dysregulation can be from low copper intake.

Here's a very basic article about copper. There are plenty of more 'sciency' articles, but this is a good basic one.


btw, loose stools can occur with low copper intake.