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IBS, Coeliac disease and ME/CFS: MEA website survey

charles shepherd

Senior Member
MEA website home page: http://www.meassociation.org.uk

Results so far:

The MEA Quick Survey

  • If you have irritable bowel symptoms / syndrome in addition to ME/CFS, have you ever been tested to exclude coeliac disease?
    • YES - definitely (53%, 37 Votes)

    • YES - possibly (9%, 6 Votes)

    • I don't know (3%, 2 Votes)

    • NO (29%, 20 Votes)

    • I don't have any IBS symptoms (6%, 5 Votes)

      Total Voters: 70
Polls Archive

charles shepherd

Senior Member
I'm surprised that the proportion answering that they have never been tested is so high.

May be related to the fact that some of my medical colleagues here in the UK are diagnosing IBS far too easily and aren't looking for the warning signs that there may be another cause for IBS symptoms


Revolting Peasant
May be related to the fact that some of my medical colleagues here in the UK are diagnosing IBS far too easily and aren't looking for the warning signs that there may be another cause for IBS symptoms
I'm sure that's true but it wasn't what I was thinking of. It's bad enough that people with IBS symptoms aren't getting tested to rule out coeliac disease. It's far worse that pwME who also have IBS aren't getting tested.

But in response to your point, it makes me wonder what proportion of people with IBS but without suspected ME haven't been tested for coeliac disease. Presumably a lot more than 30%.