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IBD cause identified


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Absolute nonsense IMO. That is not the cause of IBS/IBD. This is hoping to sell these ideas to evil drug companies who want to have people taking medication long term to control conditions where the true cause could be eliminated. IBS is curable and I totally disagree with research like this. Notice how they propose using drugs to "control" these conditions rather than curing them. If this is the state of medical research then god help everyone from these greedy profit seeking people.

Using such medications would maintain the damaging inflammation which would make a person susceptible to illnesses such as heart disease and cancer. Good idea if you are a drug company but not good for the people who are falsely lead to believe that this is the way to treat it.

Have you ever wondered why the giant pharmaceutical companies have all stopped developing antibiotics? Not profitable they claim, but it's the reasons why it would not be profitable that is more interesting IMO. That is because their internal research has identified what upholds their drug sales and they don't want anything to threaten those sales. Most conditions are curable including ME/CFS/Fibro but these companies are sponsoring false research to obscure the picture in order to stop anyone else from working this all out. ALL their drug sales could be eliminated overnight when the truth is known. They are doing everything they can to hide the truth IMO.

BTW For any of you that have IBS, when CFS/Fibro is cured the IBS will disappear, therefore you won't need this anyway. It just shows how little they actually know about the function of the human body.

BTW2 The cause of IBS isn't even located in the colon or being more specific the Transverse colon.


Senior Member
IBD and IBS. Can someone enlighten me then how you distinguish between the two.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
This article is about IBD, not IBS.
Doesn't matter one bit because inflammation in one area of the body reduces the capacity of the body to deal with inflammatory processes in another area. Therefore If IBS and the factors which cause that are present, the body is more likely to also suffer from IBD or other inflammatory diseases. There is only so much Glutathione to go around which gets depleted by inflammation. This also influences COVID-19 risk and yet stupid scientists spent lots of money looking at genes rather than looking at the most logical factor which linked COVID-19 risk groups.

Using medications to "control" a condition does not eliminate the excess inflammatory processes which promoted the disease process. Inflammation also influences the immune system in a negative way, it is all accumulative.