it all started back in May when i had sex with this girl and the condom broke and obviously i didn't notice until i finished, two weeks later i started noticing a lot of little pimples behind both my armpits, two more weeks go by i started spacing out and zoning out all the time but i thought i was just tired, two more weeks go by and i start having terrible nausea with really bad confusion and disorientation that lasted for about two months my lips were burning all the time, my spleen was enlarged, which made my tongue swell and burning sensation i started loosing weight and i got a really bad rash on my back which now i know are called dermatofibromas, felt needles sensations all over my body, the first thing in my mind was HIV i was freaking out so i started doing a bunch of tests tested negative for HIV and HTLV several tests of both of these several times at the 12 and 24 week all negative, in the mean time while waiting for the 24 week to approach most of my symptoms started to vanish except for the pain in the spleen, the swollen tongue with teethmarks on the side, really bad headaches, feelings of confusion, my eyes tingle a lot and my ears ring all the time and feel like they are gonna pop,sometimes i feel like im being stabbed in my head that makes my eyes watery, i feel my brain is swollen which makes feel as if i was high but not a good high more like if i was drunk and really confused, have neurological problems my arms and legs twitch sometimes for no reason, sometimes i feel hot and cold sensations in my head and i can feel i have something in there moving around, this led my Dr. to order an MRI which shows brain demyelination
(which happens with virus invasion) and all this time i have been telling my Dr. that is a virus that i got from this girl while all the evidence is compelling that it is in fact a virus, he says is either CFS(he didn't know is now linked to XMRV in a lot of cases) or MS, he says it cannot be a virus because all the blood work is normal which made really mad because that's stupid even people with HIV can have normal blood counts for several years after being infected.i told him, how can it be MS when six months ago before i was with this girl i was completely fine no problems at all, i mean it just doesn't make any sense the only possible logical explanation is that i have a virus plus when you have a swollen tongue is because your spleen is enlarged due to virus or bacteria, in the mean time while im waiting for my appointment with the infectious disease specialist i have been taking high doses of vitamins D,C,B12, COQ10, fish oil and some green tea pills and it seems to be helping a lot because for a while about three weeks ago i started feeling really tired i couldn't keep up at work but now with the COQ10 i feel fine and with energy, the only main problem right now is the brain i can't take the pain i don't feel confused too much anymore but the pain is just too severe, one more thing all that weight i lost initially is all back now in fact i am now heavier then i used to be before i was with this girl but it all seems to be going to the gut which i know is common with CFS due to thyroid almost sure that i have XMRV the girl tested for HIV as well she is negative but she told me she is always tired and she gets really bad headaches that sometimes make her faint and the doctors are trying to figure out why...I will be asking the Dr. to do a test for XMRV i don't care if it takes a month to get the results back from Reno i just need to know what i have so i can start doing something about it, i know so far 4 HIV drugs have been approved for XMRV and the good thing is that some are newer drugs that don't have really bad side effects, i only need something to stop virus replication in the brain for now because it seems like my body is doing a good job at keeping the virus in check but the brain is not..:Retro mad: