Re: AZT for a patient suffering from any physical disease of immune origin.
It's probably illlegal to give a patient AZT without evidence of retroviral infection, even in the United States where money changing hands can get you anything from 'teen' cosmetic surgery for Cheerleading to life saving cutting edge stem cell treatment for Cancer.
The medication cited would need to be monitored by a doctor for signs of causing organ damage (side effect of AZT).
To my knowledge, unless one obtains AZT clandestinely off the Internet from China or other countries that do not restrict medication sales to foreign countries - then any doctor/medical professional involved in supplying AZT to a non HIV/XMRV infected patient would risk losing their license to practice, or worse. Having said that, there are always ways around getting medications. e.g. Brittany Murphy (family members got drugs for her) , Michael Jackson (Doctor prescribes innapropriate drugs) etc.
As it stands, to take AZT for XMRV would require evidence AZT is safe to take, never mind if it's effective. I appreciate people's desire to take AZT who are very sick, and their haste to try 'anything' to help. However it would be illogical to take a medication for an XMRV test that is not positive, and for an XMRV test that is not yet finalised or complete, and for a virus and a patients condition (any condition) that may evoke serious potentially fatal side effects.
It's similar to saying I think I'm diabetic, then not having a positive glucose tolerance test (that's in it's infancy), and then saying I'll go ahead and inject insulin anyway as it might help. The only way one would get access to AZT in a controlled and sensible manner would be to take part in a drug trial for XMRV and be a voluntary guinea pig. There will be, and probably are patients already on AZT with a positive XMRV test from VIP dx, however, these patients are taking a big risk. If severe CFS patients suffer to the levels they do (at rest), the potential toxic overload of body systems in severe CFS patients could be fatal. No one knows, as it's never been trialled.
I am sorry for the lady who wrote this post and feels so awful. We just have to all hope that as we spot the summit and get tripped up into the deep snow, that a warm helping hand will lift us out of the abyss and guide as to the the correct spot to the plant the flag of relief. Lets see in the next few weeks what Dr Mikovitz has to say in her video talk. I am sure there will be some positive news. Try and hold on a little longer.