I now also have hypocalcemia and my cholestrol shooting up even more


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I managed to get to my CFS specialist today and got my blood test results from a few ago and now I have low calicum.

Specialist is having me fast and redo the blood tests again tomorrow as he said this needs to be got to the bottom of. He then wanted me to come back next week and discuss it all but due to my difficulty of getting to appointments I wont be going back for a couple of weeks to find out what is going on.
(my diet is good in calicum... I eat nuts daily, have cheese first thing in the morning with pills which have to be taken with food and also do drink milk and have a big mug of it before bed).

Quite possibly my vitamin D issues are causing the issues with my calicum as D is needed for calicum absorption.

My cholestrol too has gone up another full number on the diet which was supposed to lower it:( .. its now 7.9 (ideal level is 5.5) its up from 6.7. As my cholestrol level dont hardly improve at all with cholestrol lowering diets.. my other specialist had thought my cholestrol issue was being caused by my hyperinsulinemia but its just gone up on the low carb diet which deals with my insulin issue.

I suppose I now will end up being put onto cholestrol lowering drugs for the issue.


Senior Member
Scotland, UK
I remember Christine giving you this answer re: your use of molybdenum chelating both copper and calcium. Are you still taking molybdenum?

View attachment 6716Hi Taniaaust1,

Thank you very much for the positive words. It can be good to be your own advocate. I learned this the hard way when my health was severely compromised by a medical professional that had no knowledge of nutrition! I wish I had researched his advice.

In my opinion your high copper does not mean you have too much copper, it means you are not making enough of its carrier protein and/or binding it to the protein, thus you have circulating levels of unbound (free radical) copper in your bloodstream, which is observed in your hair. (Henna does not affect the hair test results) Normally, when I see copper elevated above the normal range it either means the person participates in aerobic exercise regularly and/or they eat a diet of high copper foods such as chocolate, potatoes, oysters, nuts, sunflower/pumpkin/squash seeds, tomatoes, lobster/calamari, legumes, dried herbs especially basil, marjoram, parsley and oregano. The high reading just accentuates that the body is having trouble binding copper in the liver.

Molybdenum is a strong chelator of copper (removes from the body). Cattle can actually have copper deficiency when they graze on pasture grass that is high in molybdenum. Molybdenum also chelates calcium. Your chart indicates high calcium, meaning loss from the body and into the hair instead of being deposited into the bones. High calcium slows the energy producing system. Inadequate amounts of bound copper can lead to osteoporosis and joint pain because it is necessary to place your calcium into your bones with the help of magnesium and vitamin D. I believe you became low in molybdenum because it has been attempting to remove your excess, unbound copper. So by taking molybdenum you can continue to remove the free radical copper and lower the calcium and it makes you feel better. But in time, you may not have enough calcium to keep your bones strong and not enough copper to keep excess iron from over accumulating in your liver and body tissues. Best to address what is causing the unbound copper and loss of calcium in the first place but apparently when you received your hair test results, you did not have anyone to help you understand the chart based on nutritional factors.

I have worked with many Bedlington Terriers. They are known as dogs that accumulate high levels of copper in their livers. Hair charts were preformed on these dogs before and after use of chealtors for copper. Molybdenum as well as penicillamine was tested. Prior to chelation, the hair tests have always shown elevated copper (just as your hair chart indicated) and many times elevated iron. After chelation, liver biopsies indicated stores of copper and iron were lowered. The retest charts showed very low copper, iron, manganese and calcium, but the charts still did not indicate adequate binding of copper, iron and/or manganese. So the question that presented itself was why were they re-accumulating copper and iron in the liver once off of the chelator and circulating unbound copper and iron again, as seen elevating on the hair charts. Another question was why are liver biopsies indicating elevation of copper in every breed of dog that is tested, not just Bedlington Terriers? And last, why did some dogs that were biopsied with very high levels of copper, exhibit no adverse symptoms. The answer that I sought appeared to have a commonality between human and dogs since the charts were uncannily similar. So I searched for what would both be exposed to which could create such a similar imbalance.

In the photos above and below, you can see two dog tails. I call this the tale of the tails. The color change from dark brown to orange indicates inability of the body to adequately bind copper and iron, with which the body uses to color the fur. Bound copper allows the body to use iron. Copper gives a Vizsla dog its orange color. Combination of copper, iron and manganese give various shades of brown coloration. Iron and manganese create black. As the dogs ability to bind copper lowers, which lowers their ability to adequately bind and place iron into the fur, you see the color lightens revealing the higher copper with less iron and manganese. My experience indicates extremities of the body normally show the imbalance first, because the body allocates minerals to life critical processes first and coloring the tail is not a life critical function.

Two important questions: I believe your wheat products are enriched in Australia with iron, niacin, folic acid, etc. Is this true?

Is your milk enriched with vitamins A & D?


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I remember Christine giving you this answer re: your use of molybdenum chelating both copper and calcium. Are you still taking molybdenum?

I have very high copper on hair tests (also many other test indications of it too) .. molybdenum helps to chelate copper as you said.
I did stop taking the molybdenum a few weeks ago but have had to start it again as my brain is deteriorating again and that molybdenum makes a huge difference to me, so obviously I need to keep taking it for my deficiency of it.

My molybdenum level is nil on hair tests, so low it dont even show on the graph.. supplementing with it gave me the ability do maths in my head again. (Ive no idea if Ive even managed to get it anywhere in normal range.. all I know is my condition is declining when I stop supplementing it).


Christine confused me.. she told me some things on seeing my test results but later contradicted herself in what she said to me in a way which didnt actually match my results at all. (unless I misunderstood... I did really struggle to get my head around her long posts to me).

ahhh.. thanks.. I just saw that attachment and reading it now (I'd forgotten about much of what she'd said thou I did copy it all down at the time).

Your chart indicates high calcium, meaning loss from the body and into the hair instead of being deposited into the bones.

Now Im real confused as Christine said my hair chart indicated high calicuim (it is high on that when compared in ratio to other things it is supposed to balance with) .... thing is .. it is low on my blood test.

Im so confused by how it could be high and low at the same time and if low in body.. how would it even then end up high in my hair if its low in my blood?

Molybdenum also chelates calcium.

and due to my issue with Molybdenum and that being low.. one would then expect my calicum to be high rather then low.

In my opinion your high copper does not mean you have too much copper, it means you are not making enough of its carrier protein and/or binding it to the protein, thus you have circulating levels of unbound (free radical) copper in your bloodstream, which is observed in your hair.

Ive had my blood also checked for copper but my blood level is normal... so i dont understand if I have a lot of copper in my bloodstream..why that didnt show up on my blood test.

(I had a copper IUD when younger.. so that is why I figured i may have high copper showing up in my hair tests which could be stored in my tissues from way back in the past).

So by taking molybdenum you can continue to remove the free radical copper and lower the calcium and it makes you feel better. But in time, you may not have enough calcium to keep your bones strong

umm now I see .. that quote has really got me thinking.. maybe taking the molybdenum for just a few months did lower my calicum??? and this is what occurrred..

If this is the case of what has happened.. then what on earth do I do about having issues with lack of what is an essential trace mineral (molybdenum) which my body obviously needs for my brain but which my body cant seem to get itself without supplmentation of it?

I wish I'd had blood tests around the time I had the hair test done as only then would I know if my calicum had been low too then on a blood test or if its only happened since Ive been molybdenum supplementing? Now I truely dont know what has gone on.

Hair charts were preformed on these dogs before and after use of chealtors for copper. Molybdenum as well as penicillamine was tested. Prior to chelation, the hair tests have always shown elevated copper (just as your hair chart indicated) and many times elevated iron.

Im also opposite to Christines dogs.. as I dont get elevated iron at all and instead have an iron storage issue which has me classifed as being borderline anemic. (that was prior to doing anything to try to chelate the copper out).

Two important questions: I believe your wheat products are enriched in Australia with iron, niacin, folic acid, etc. Is this true?

Is your milk enriched with vitamins A & D?

I didnt eat wheat .. and thou one can buy enriched milk.. I very rarely ever have it... probably less then only a few times per year would I drink that.

So I just dont know what is going on with me.. maybe I will go to the site where christine is and see if she has any more ideas... esp what I should do if trying to get my molybdenum up into some kind of normal range, has screwed up my calicum but I need the molybdenum

Im trying hard to remember back to my convo with her and if she'd said at all about B2 being able to fix molybdenum issue???


Senior Member

The body can pull calcium out of the bones and deposit it in the hair, arteries and other areas, but the levels in the blood will be low. Manganese is important to build it up in bones.


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I managed to get to my CFS specialist today and got my blood test results from a few ago and now I have low calicum.

Specialist is having me fast and redo the blood tests again tomorrow as he said this needs to be got to the bottom of. He then wanted me to come back next week and discuss it all but due to my difficulty of getting to appointments I wont be going back for a couple of weeks to find out what is going on.
(my diet is good in calicum... I eat nuts daily, have cheese first thing in the morning with pills which have to be taken with food and also do drink milk and have a big mug of it before bed).

Quite possibly my vitamin D issues are causing the issues with my calicum as D is needed for calicum absorption.

My cholestrol too has gone up another full number on the diet which was supposed to lower it:( .. its now 7.9 (ideal level is 5.5) its up from 6.7. As my cholestrol level dont hardly improve at all with cholestrol lowering diets.. my other specialist had thought my cholestrol issue was being caused by my hyperinsulinemia but its just gone up on the low carb diet which deals with my insulin issue.

I suppose I now will end up being put onto cholestrol lowering drugs for the issue.

most of your cholesterol doesnt come from diet but is made by the liver, why is your liver pumping out cholesterol? could be trying to correct hormonal problems as hormones are made from cholesterol. High insulin levels can also wreck havoc on hormones, part of the reason why women trying to get pregnent that carry extra weight have difficulty, as it is a sign of insulin resistence which then causes other hormonal issues. Im not neccessarily talking about extra weight but the insulin resistance and hormones, gets into a viscious circle i guess.



Senior Member
Sth Australia
most of your cholesterol doesnt come from diet but is made by the liver, why is your liver pumping out cholesterol? could be trying to correct hormonal problems as hormones are made from cholesterol. High insulin levels can also wreck havoc on hormones, part of the reason why women trying to get pregnent that carry extra weight have difficulty, as it is a sign of insulin resistence which then causes other hormonal issues. Im not neccessarily talking about extra weight but the insulin resistance and hormones, gets into a viscious circle i guess.


I dont get why if it is my insulin issue.. why it would be causing issues, when Im currently on such a strict low carb diet to help keep my insulin down... I are breaking my diet at times but only about once a week or once a fortnight.

One good thing thou right now.. is this new CFS specialist Ive been seeing this year, Im sure when my D results come back, that he's going to be wanting to know why it is so badly low in the first place rather then just say.. always take D supplments or telling me to up the D which I take.

In the past due to the severity of the D deficiency (my test came back with to note from the lab telling my doctor to have me do a parathyriod test due to the probability i have issues there).. I did have my parathyriod tested for issues but it was fine. (that was a year or two ago).

Due to the calicum issue now.. he's getting me to redo the parathyriod test... He's going to try to get to the bottom of things. (it makes me happy that my abnormal test results are finally now being paid attention too, I hate not knowing the whys).

Maybe as you said.. my body is pumping out a lot of cholestrol due to hormonal issues.. (maybe its my bodies attempt to correct the many hormones I have low?)

I just looked up hypoparathyriodism and saw
Physical exam
Next, your doctor will conduct a physical examination, looking for signs that suggest hypoparathyroidism, such as facial muscle twitching.

I was getting a heap of facial mucle twitching when going to the specialists yesterday (I wasnt noticing it still happening when I was in the surgery thou).

Probably just some coincidence thou.

It sounds a bit like hypoactive thyroid issues. Are your thyroid levels allright?

Developing hypothyriodism at some point is something which concerns me... as I have family members who had hypothyriodism...
Im not quite sure now but i did also get gene tested at one point and I may of also had a genotype which also gets that more.

Ive had lots of thyriod tests done in the past T3/T4/TSH and get that tested every couple of years ..but never the reverse test done


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Ive been looking today into more of the illnesses and things which can cause low calicum and found out pancreatic cancer can so I started to research that seeing all THREE of my pops brothers and sisters died from that kind of cancer (which isnt supposed to be common so obviously it was inherited in their case).

Anyway.. Im shocked what Ive just found out about that kind of cancer.. If one has the genes for it there is a 40% of getting it by the age of 70 and its not just caused by genes but also thought to triggered off by also inflammation in the body and cytokines so other things going on in the body can set things off and increases the risk... (and as we know our ME bodies are higher in those things).

I still think my issue has been caused by my low D but the fact that I may have 40% risk of getting this cancer..Im just feeling stunned and I think I'd best go for some genetic testing at some point.