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I may have found the main trigger of my disease

Short summary:

10-20 mg fluoxetine for about 30 days. Only immediate reaction was extreme sleepiness accumulation(?)

Then, I got deteriorated to this day.

- Drop in IQ
- Muscle control problems (Every day, it's harder to accomplish any fine motor skills. It affects especcialy when I'm typing on keyboard. Also when walking)
- Sleepiness
- Depersonalization and emotional numbness (I completely forgot how I used to feel. I don't feel any "anxiety", love, fear etc. Especially complex emotions, they all got numbed)
- Metabolic syndrome (Hyperphagia. I have no appetite, but I'm craving so frequently. Probably my blood sugar drops too much. and I get lightheaded.)
- Overreactive gut (My gut literally moves and jerks randomly when I think something deeply. This creates me huge problems especially when I'm at sleep or at school) (This creates so much problem)
- Myoclonus (I get random muscle twitches. This doesn't happen as frequent)


I have asperger's. After all the reading I have made in this 1.5 years, I think this is the closest explanation.


I took my antidepressant for "chronic anxiety disorder". I used to be extremely anxious back in the day. And antidepressant triggered something in my body. It probably disturbed the balance between 5-ht2c "subtypes".


You can see similar result as here. Prader-willi syndrome:




Senior Member
SSRIs are known to cause emotional blunting and numbness as a side effect in some people, but I've never come across any studies or cases where SSRI drugs have been linked to triggering ME/CFS.

ME/CFS is usually triggered by a viral infection. The infection can start as a sore throat, gastrointestinal infection or flu-like illness.
SSRIs are known to cause emotional blunting and numbness as a side effect in some people, but I've never come across any studies or cases where SSRI drugs have been linked to triggering ME/CFS.

ME/CFS is usually triggered by a viral infection. The infection can start as a sore throat, gastrointestinal infection or flu-like illness.

Is that means I have no CFS?


Senior Member
I have most of the symptoms you listed except for muscle control problems. I also developed pretty significant anxiety that preceded most of my other ME/CFS symptoms with a few years. Since you already had extreme anxiety before starting SSRI, it seems plausible to me that you already had, as you described it, a disturbed balance of serotonin receptor subtypes before taking the SSRI. Ron Davis has found that every ME/CFS patient he tested so far has mutations in IDO2 gene, which relates to tryptophan, which in turn metabolizes to serotonin. You can read more about this hypothesis here.

I'm not saying SSRI's did not cause your fall into ME/CFS, but it might not be too helpful to speculate about the ultimate cause. In my country, something like 10% of the population is on antidepressants (which is quite a shocking figure), but of those 10%, nothing so far has come out suggesting there would be a link between SSRI use and getting ill with ME/CFS.