I just want to say Im truly sorry for my behavior


Senior Member
I just want to say Im truly sorry for my behavior
This will be my last post on PR. I will miss all of you.


If thats an apology for the two PM you sent me under the name SaveCFS, then apology accepted. If it is not, then what behavior are you referring to?


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
This will be my last post on PR. I will miss all of you.

Hi SaveMe,

I don't read the forum much these days, and have no idea what you may be apologizing for. Just wanted to wish you the very best whether you come back or not. Take good care!!!

Best Regards, Wayne


"and this too shall pass"
Vancouver Canada suburbs
No please dont leaveSave M

Save Me, please don't leave. We all need each other. I have no idea of your bad behavior. I do know that many of us have odd behaviors and thoughts etc. due to this illness- it affects our brains. I am sorry that I didnt sound more possitive to some of your comments. We all think differently and our brains are affected differently. Please do stay - it is so very nice to have a younger person here - someone more optimistic then myself - it gives me hope!! I have never seen any comments from you that were negatively directed at others here. I would really like you to stay. I so much liked your comment " will get better, you watch me"



Senior Member
I must say that I agree with glen, that we all do odd things. Well, I certainly have bizarre things fall out of my mouth. I also hope you'll stay here and share in this hopeful and helpful group.


Senior Member
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Hello Saveme,

I'm agreed with the above. We are a community/family and it is only natural there will be things said and regretted and feathers ruffled from time to time. That does not mean your presence here is not welcome and appreciated. ME/CFS is a long journey with many ups and downs and we are here to support each other. Your optimism and energy has been a welcome breath of fresh air, we would be poorer without you.


Senior Member
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Is this self-imposed exile?

Given any thought to returning as a different incarnation?

Well, SaveMe, it's been a trip. Thanks for the memories. (I will never, ever forget the story you told me in private chat about that night in a Miami Motel 8.)

By the way, you were right about the PR member who asked if I am a man: drunk, yes. We both were.


Senior Member
Hi SaveCFS

I see you have returned briefly to reply to maditodd in this thread.

I see also in this thread, that there are some people here who some how feel as though they might have contributed to your leaving, which is sad, as I don't believe -on the basis of the statement you issued, that this is correct.

Even so, if you have any feelings for these people at all and if you are truly sorry, then perhaps you could tell us what you are truly sorry for?

It might put some minds at ease and remove any confusion?.


Senior Member
Sofa, UK
Please accept our apologies for the confusion.

SaveMe's transgressions are not currently visible and we're going to keep it that way.

He has been banned.

We very much regret having to take this decision and tried very hard to avoid it, but in the end we felt it was in his own best interests as well as the interests of the community as a whole.

He is still reading this thread so if you all would like to post words of encouragement for him then please do so.

Comments disparaging SaveMe's character will not be tolerated.


Senior Member
Montreal, Canada
What are the rules for banning a member? Is a sincere apology acceptable if behavior improves? I hate to see people go and different points of view to me are what bring value to discussion forums.

I did think SaveMe's post count/day was a bit high but my reading capacity is low so I have a bias.


Senior Member
I feel the mods bent over backwards to avoid using the last resort. I thank them for their dedication to making things work and to making the hard decisions when necessary. Moderating is a difficult and largely unappreciated task. That they work as hard as they do for us as volunteers continually astonishes me.

To SaveMe~ Goodbye and good luck. I hope you manage to get healthier, back in school, and on with your young life.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I feel the mods bent over backwards to avoid using the last resort. I thank them for their dedication to making things work and to making the hard decisions when necessary. Moderating is a difficult and largely unappreciated task. That they work as hard as they do for us as volunteers continually astonishes me.

Ditto, ditto, ditto. Thanks soc for articulating what I was thinking. (You saved me some of my cognitive reserves!) :)


Aristocrat Extraordinaire
Please accept our apologies for the confusion.

SaveMe's transgressions are not currently visible and we're going to keep it that way.

He has been banned.

We very much regret having to take this decision and tried very hard to avoid it, but in the end we felt it was in his own best interests as well as the interests of the community as a whole.

He is still reading this thread so if you all would like to post words of encouragement for him then please do so.

Comments disparaging SaveMe's character will not be tolerated.

Is SaveCFS (the starter of this thread) the same person as SaveMe?? I'm confused.


Senior Member
Please accept our apologies for the confusion.

SaveMe's transgressions are not currently visible and we're going to keep it that way.

He has been banned.

We very much regret having to take this decision and tried very hard to avoid it, but in the end we felt it was in his own best interests as well as the interests of the community as a whole.

He is still reading this thread so if you all would like to post words of encouragement for him then please do so.

Comments disparaging SaveMe's character will not be tolerated.

staff/mgmt at PR have to do what they have to do. after all,they are in control.

personally, saveme didn't ever offend me at all, but i didn't see everything that apparently happened. nor will i learn anything by any of this due to never knowing what happened that was unacceptable. hopefully i won't stumble into any of the same mistakes he made, because i don't know what his mistakes are. this is not a teachable moment, and i don't like to see a lost opportunity to learn something.

this is when i just turn my head and look the other way, and hope for better things. because as i said, i haven't learned anything.


Senior Member
Sofa, UK
garcia: Yes SaveME and SaveCFS are one and the same.

5150: There really is no point in members discussing the moderation issues, this thread is now really just for people who knew SaveME to wish him well. Full transparency is a very fine principle in many contexts, but exploring somebody else's moderation history is not productive or healthy for anyone, nor is it fair to the individual involved. If you really want to learn about the issues involved in moderation, then consider that this is a protected space for very good reasons, and that moderators take on that control voluntarily and as a service, in order to provide that space. There is no reason for anyone to fear 'stumbling into' anything.

This is now just for positive messages to SaveME; other than that, 'looking the other way' is a good plan...


Senior Member
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Hello Saveme,

I have enjoyed our conversations and your bright, inquisitive mind, and truly want to wish you well.

ME/CFS truly does rock ones life, so please do not be too hard on yourself when the new challenges are indeed a big challenge. Learning the balance between striving for help and to be better and living in acceptance is a huge and not easy lesson for any of us. I'm sure you will find help, perhaps not as soon as you'd like, but it will come, and you'll be able to continue on with your life, with the wisdom painfully learned through having ME/CFS.

Best wishes for a long and productive life. This is but a chapter in it.
