I can help with answering some of the premise ... since I'm betting at this point
@Quemist might fell a bit attacked by now. Let's face it, many of us have agreed to therapies we haven't necessarily understood nor wanted simply to try it. I don't know about you, but there are lots and lots and lots of things I've tried just because if it could help even slightly, I would take any improvement I can find.
I'll be honest, it was sold to me as "Pain Rehabilitation"... which I balked at.... and then ' pain management' which I think we would all think is a good thing. Managing the pain, is a good thing to learn, right?
And yes, it contains everything from chronic migraines to other health issues, as well as ME/CFS.
I think they tried to cover the other health issues with pacing and physical therapy with a mind towards finding ways to manage tasks. ALL OF WHICH were of benefit to me.
They also had an arm towards reducing pain management medications for chronic pain. (from the study showing it isn't as effective). When I went, they only asked people to stop taking pain killers. (it sounds like they might be expanding it).
BUT... I think it goes further and 'odder' than that.... I think that if they've done everything they know (medically based on their subset of what they are agreeing to)... so you have migraines and they've done x, y, and z... and you're not being helped. ME/CFS -they don't know what to do - here you go... pain from amputation ... the leg is gone... here you go... etc, etc, etc,... and basically without saying they are doing it? Calling all of that now MUS.
And now, if we can't do anything medically - now in addition to teaching pacing, yoga, physical therapy and reducing pain meds... now we're going to do a form of CBT and GET because that will help you cope with the pain/fatigue/health issues that we can't fix.
CBT was tied a bit towards you know we've done everything medically possible, now you just need to get on with living life and having something to look forward to, because now you are as healthy as you will ever get.
GET was tied towards increasing your activity levels and while it was all within the vicinity of don't over do things, take things slower than you think you can... it then also says... do more the next day. (smirk)
ALL THAT SAID? I would NEVER, EVER, EVER recommend someone go to Mayo for ME/CFS.
I think the general consensus in this group is founded in reality. I think the treatment at Mayo is all about just 'putting' everyone they can't 'fix' into a box and handing them tools so they don't keep pestering us is at play.
When I went, it was part of a study and I was told I would be contacted six times for follow up to see how well I keep improving. I crashed before the first follow up and told them so. I haven't been contacted since.
I'm pretty sure that (like PACE trial seemed to handle some of the patients) that the result is that I will just be considered as someone who 'didn't complete' INSTEAD of showing up as an Adverse Event... because of course, they still believe a little bit of moderate activity cannot do any harm - so the fact that I'm not in the study is unrelated to the fact that the continued attempt to keep increasing my activity level led to a crash.
SO, yes, everything everyone is pointing out as a flaw to their service? Yep, Yep.
BUT I didn't know that in 2006 (when I went) and then, add the fact that even when I did go, I was a skeptic? Doesn't mean I didn't have some improvement in the very short term (like maybe six weeks). It was immediately after my first crash when I WAS ALREADY SEEING SOME IMPROVEMENT... because I was already coming out of my crash as it was. I honestly think I could have done more physically anyway at that point than I was trying to do, because I was so scared of the upcoming crash.
But after crashing after six weeks after the treatment? I'm right back where I was before, I do less because I don't want to overdo it and crash again. If I did a little more? I might see a minor improvement... BUT because the dividing line between this feels good and this leads to a crash is a) invisible and b) a moving target and c) SUCH A DISASTER TO CROSS THAT LINE, it's better to err on the side of caution until we have a proven treatment or way to identify that dividing line.
NONE of this is getting through to EITHER the Mayo docs nor PACE authors. THAT's the root problem.