I don't feel like i can do this anymore


wiggle jiggle
i also thought long time of nitric oxide and it may be indeed a player in this.

but you may try choline. acetylcholine or even eggs and look, if this may give relief.

personally i think it its caused by the vagus nerve.

so, something like a "nerves herx".
I think I'm experiencing similar symptoms as you @skyfall after 1 week of minocycline 2x100mg. I also take azitromycine and plaquenil but I have been taking them for 3 months and I didn't have this before.

Do you still suffer from this? Or did you find any relief?

I was on mino 1x100mg before and I didn't have this. Tetracycline and doxycyline don't do this to me. I feel completely outspaced, my tinnitus is extremely worse and I feel like something squezing my brain. I have only mild headache occasionally though. My cognitive functions are pretty much gone too.

I decreased my dose to 1x50mg this morning and I will try contact my doc about this. I thought it could be toxicity which I get with azithromycine but NAC and gluthathion doesn't help with this.

Did your ear ringing (tinnitus) go away ?

I had minocycline for 1 month and 9 days. After I felt the ringing in ear I stopped right away. The ringing decrease a lot during these four weeks. But I can still hear a little bit. Will it go away ? I am scared.