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I cured my air hunger


Senior Member
I've started looking at the methylation stuff on this forum and have begun trying it out.

My illness started out with air hunger as the only symptom. Many supplements would make it worse.

Methylfolate completely eradicates it. I've been air hunger free for weeks and the usual triggers are no longer triggering.

As to the mechanism, heck if I know. But might be worth a try. Literal crumbs of a methylfolate tablet are all I can tolerate because I get wired and anxious, I'm building up to larger doses. But if you get a response from this it may be an indication that you could see benefit from looking into methylation.


Senior Member
How much you take.
Good work.

I'm not entirely sure. I have 400 microgram tablets. I took a quarter for two days and it was too much for me. I took literal crumbs for a few days and it had the effect on my breathing. I'm now on bigger crumbs, but it's still less than a quarter of a tablet. Less than an eighth even! It's powerful stuff.