I can't afford living on the east coast

Tired of being sick

Senior Member
Western PA USA
Thats the realization I have come to over the last 6 years. I've moved 11 times in 8 years and have lived in different parts of MD,PA, and 2 months outside of Richmond VA. My ssdi is 1600 after medicare. My rent, gas electric, and internet takes half. Power rates here in MD are at least double what they were in Pa with Met-Ed. Car insurance is double what it was in PA but my insurance still thinks I live in PA.

Any advice would be appreciated.
Come back to PA,

Problem solved

Then maybe we can meet someday to bitch and vent out our illnesses,Lol............

Tired of being sick

Senior Member
Western PA USA
Retire overseas on $1,200 a month living like a king

You can live well -- even in luxury -- if you're willing to leave the US. Yes, it's a big move, but here are 5 places where a Social Security check goes a long way.ByLiz Weston

Easy living abroadRetiring abroad isn't for everyone or even for most people. But the adventurous can find comfortable, even luxurious lifestyles in many places that cost them far less than what they would pay at home, said Kathleen Peddicord, the author of "How to Retire Overseas: Everything You Need to Know to Live Well (For Less) Abroad."

I asked Peddicord, who has written about living and retiring overseas for more than 25 years, to pick out five cities where a couple could retire comfortably on the typical U.S. Social Security check of $1,200 a month. Access to good medical care is a must, of course, and all five places on Peddicord's list offer it, as well as low crime rates and emerging communities of expatriates to help show you the ropes.
"You wouldn't be the first gringo in town, but (in most cases) you wouldn't be joining an established community of thousands," as in some other cities already discovered by expats, said Peddicord, the publisher of theLive and Invest Overseasgroup. "The places with the truly established and thriving expat communities are going to be more expensive."

People who are considering retiring abroad need to do their research, because countries vary dramatically in how welcoming they are to foreign nationals who want to become residents. Tax laws vary as well, and most Americans will want to buy health insurance -- either a local plan, which may cost less, or an international plan, which typically offers more flexible coverage. Peddicord said that in Panama, where her family of four lives, local or "in country" health plans cost as little as $100 a month but are not available to people over a certain age (usually early to mid-60s). An international plan with a $3,400 deductible might cost a 60-year-old about $180 a month.

Click here for full article

Retire overseas on $1200 a month - MSN Money
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Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
I am finding train travel to be not too bad. I think there are more options on the East Coast than in the Midwest. I would think twice before giving up a great doctor.


Senior Member
Baltimore MD
Yes that was my initial thinking from looking at his website. Surprisingly I didn't even see the Igenex lyme testing in the protocol. That kind of money could be put to much better use. My current dr is great it's just that she is in Maryland.

Vincent, are you still in NC? I just joined. Enjoy reading everyone's posts on here since I am worried about moving since being so sick with ME - moving is terrible to do. I don't want to leave where I am since I am so close to about 5 hospitals, all great docs, IV infusion centers, Trader Joe's Fresh Market, Farmer's markets, great library, and a wonderful huge park 5 minutes away.
Are you finding doctors besides Cheney to help you - hope so.


Senior Member
Baltimore, Maryland USA
Funny you should reply to this thread because I wasn't sure if I should or not (given it's age). The first of april in 2014 I left to go live with a 'friend' in Texas. I sold everything I owned and took only what would fit into my car. After three weeks in Texas I realized my 'friend' was unwilling to keep to his word so I left and moved to Hickory,NC.

Around August '14 my dad bought me a never-been-lived-in FEMA trailer in north east Maryland near Delaware.

In regards to doctors I have given up and will only see integrative doctors. Since Medicare wont pay for real health care, I don't get treatment. Even things like CBT and psychiatry and now 'luxury goods' in this cash-strapped, austerity-minded, and profit-driven 'disease care' industry. Living in a trailer and making under 20k/year doesn't leave any money for luxuries like health care.


Senior Member
Baltimore MD
Funny you should reply to this thread because I wasn't sure if I should or not (given it's age). The first of april in 2014 I left to go live with a 'friend' in Texas. I sold everything I owned and took only what would fit into my car. After three weeks in Texas I realized my 'friend' was unwilling to keep to his word so I left and moved to Hickory,NC.

Around August '14 my dad bought me a never-been-lived-in FEMA trailer in north east Maryland near Delaware.

In regards to doctors I have given up and will only see integrative doctors. Since Medicare wont pay for real health care, I don't get treatment. Even things like CBT and psychiatry and now 'luxury goods' in this cash-strapped, austerity-minded, and profit-driven 'disease care' industry. Living in a trailer and making under 20k/year doesn't leave any money for luxuries like health care.

Vincent glad you got FEMA trailer. I have been looking to buy a trailer so that I can lower my rent, which is much too high in MD. If you don't mind - could you PM (private message) me - and let me know how your DAD found a FEMA trailer in north east MD? Also, how much is the property costs each year?

Hope you are doing fine - it must be a relief to have your own place now.
Hoping to hear from you.