I am booked in to see Prof. de Meirleir in January


Senior Member
Still waiting on results. ahhhhhhhhhhhh :(:mad::confused::eek:o_O:cry::thumbdown: :aghhh: :ill:

I know I was told to expect a long wait, but it is so frustrating waiting to start treatment, I feel like I am in limbo.
Four months ago to the day that I was in Belgium.


Senior Member
Well, I'm still reading through it all, but basically he thinks that I likely have Borreliosis and Bartonelliosis and I have several strong food intollerances (dairy, eggs, gluten, wheat, corn and orange) I would have guessed these myself, except corn. I have some gut disbiosis, with one good bacteria completely absent :eek: .


Senior Member
Here they are then. Very pleased I did all these. Some surprises and some not, but all very intersting I feel.
Comments welcome!

Intollerances/allergy/exposure etc.
Fructose breath test - neg
Lactose breath test - neg
Food alergy panel – lots of strong intolerances (all dairy, egg, wheat, gluten, corn, oranges)
IgA/IgM oxidative products – all ok except anti-cysteic acid/M which is 4.6 (0-2.0)
Molds IgG panel - neg
Urine-neurotoxine test - neg

Proinflamatory cytokines panel:
IL-1betaS – 25.9 (0-3)
IL-6S – 483.7 (0-5)
IL-8S – 4689 (0-15)
MCP1 – 131.6 (0-165)
MIP-BETAs - 7352 (0-155) Tgf-BETA1s – 11803 (1674-12400)
TNFs – 32.6 (0-6)
Cytokines RNA, Th1/Th2 – in range
Perforin expression – 1398 (250-750)
Elastase – 129 (0-150)
CD57+/CD3- absolute count – 239 (60-360)
Solube CD14 – 929 (1430-2800)
C4A serum level – 0.54 (0.57-1.68)
Prostaglandin E2 – 28.3 (0.17-6.4)

Genetic and activity assays
GVDM polymorphisms - f/f b/b
Nagalase activity – 0.83 (0.32-0.95)

HHV6 - 0
HHV7 - 0
EBV - 0
Borrelia burgdorferi sl / PCR - p41 on blot. See: http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?s=6a4f6e4efebcf6577798a8b8fc789b9d&showtopic=7230
Bartonella spp / PCR –grey zone (sent for sequencing)
Babesia spp / PCR - neg
Stool test – (high Bacteroides group. Bifodobacterium group absent. High Anaerostipes (from Lachnospiraecea group, low Gram+/Gram- ratio)
Borrelia serology panel (B. burgdorferi ss, B. afzelli, B. gariniii, B. spielmanii, B. bavarinensis) – neg
Zoonosis serology screening panel (Bartonella henselae, Borrelia burgdorferii, Coxiella burnetti, Rickettsia conorii) – neg
Toxoplasmosis IgG and IgM - neg


Senior Member
This makes me wonder how many of us actually have a lot of food intolerances.

If you are allergic to oranges, wouldnt this mean you have a fructose intolerance? Is there fructose in oranges? Sorry if that is a dumb question! I've actually never heard of an orange allergy!

Best of luck with KDM! You've got a lot of great results and a great doctor and I hope it leads to successful treatment and improvement!


Senior Member
If you are allergic to oranges, wouldnt this mean you have a fructose intolerance? Is there fructose in oranges? Sorry if that is a dumb question! I've actually never heard of an orange allergy!
People can be allergic to pretty much anything :p But in the case of the food intolerances we develop with ME, it's more likely to a be a leaky gut or similar issue, allowing proteins to leak out of the gut and into the bloodstream, where they are recognized as foreign and attacked, causing an immune reaction.

It's not really an allergy, although it is an immune reaction. Bad news is that we can start reacting to pretty much anything at any time. But the good news is that if the leaky gut is healed somehow, it might be safe to eat those foods a gain some day.

I'm also reactive to egg yolks and dairy, as well as cranberries, broccoli, pineapple, banana, pecan, and sesame, according to IgG tests. I also react to egg whites and gluten, though it's a different reaction (faster, more intense swelling, and of shorter duration), and the test didn't pick those up.

It's pretty hard to guess what's going on, but it seems like something pretty complicated.


Senior Member
This makes me wonder how many of us actually have a lot of food intolerances.

If you are allergic to oranges, wouldnt this mean you have a fructose intolerance? Is there fructose in oranges? Sorry if that is a dumb question! I've actually never heard of an orange allergy!

Best of luck with KDM! You've got a lot of great results and a great doctor and I hope it leads to successful treatment and improvement!

I think most fruits have fructose in them but my fructose breath test was fine. So it must be something else in them that I react to.


Senior Member
so you may have a bartonella infection.. you were negative for everything else. is that correct?

Well in terms of pathogens it looks like I'm positive for bartonella, and maybe Parvo (see my earlier post on the first set of results - though he didn't mention that in report so I need to ask about that) and the Borrelia blot test showed I have antibodies against flagella. Now this may or may not be Borrelia, some other bacteria have them (they are the tails that make them motile) but my cytokines being so high as well as my other immune markers and some of my symptoms support the diagnosis of Borrelia. So he thinks I have that too. I think he's right.


Senior Member
Does a Lyme diagnosis seem plausible to you.

Lyme isn't uncommon here where I live. So many of the symptoms are the same and with the picture muddied by Bartonella also, I think it's plausible, yes. At the same time I'd say I'm pretty much smack bang in the middle of what you'd call an ME patient when you look at symptoms, etc.

If I'm lucky treatment will work, but I don't know what my chances are. I'm probably going to have to get most stuff from abroad as I've had trouble getting anything in the UK with the Belgian prescription.
near LA, California
Yeah it is quite high. I have looked briefly at Hemachromototis. I understand it is often (though not always?) genetic. My 23andme data says I dont have it, based on my dna. It can easily go a lot higher than mine in Hemachromotosis from what I have read. I havent yet looked into whether they test all the relevant markers, but my guess is that they do in this case.

Why is it high then? I dont know. I know that it is often abnormal (high or low) in ME/CFS patients. Once I have the rest of my results and De Meirleir's report I will hopefully know more.

My understanding is that ferritin goes high with inflammation in the body.


Senior Member
Northern Ca. USA
Shows some significant inflammation, but wouldn't the Elastace to be high as well with bacterial infections such as Lyme and Bartonella?

From my experience, Val is correct about food allergies in ME actually just being an intolerance. I test positive for just about anything I consume too much of. I believe it's due to leaky gut, or some kind of dysbiosis.

Glad your moving forward and getting some answers. I've always had the greatest respect for KDM.....clear back from Red Labs Reno that I recall, he was doing some amazing work.


Senior Member
Shows some significant inflammation, but wouldn't the Elastace to be high as well with bacterial infections such as Lyme and Bartonella?

I don't know. I have a lot of research to do, I think. Although I know a fair amount about these two from a point of view of what they are, how you can get them and what symptoms they give you, I don't know much about the specifics of which markers are high in each of these diseases. Suddently, that is a lot more important to me :nerd:
If anyone can reccomend a good Lyme forum (and good Bartonelliosis forum, if such a thing exists, then let me know!)

From my experience, Val is correct about food allergies in ME actually just being an intolerance. I test positive for just about anything I consume too much of. I believe it's due to leaky gut, or some kind of dysbiosis.

Yes, I'm thinking along the same lines now. What is interesting to me is that a lot of the stuff that came up high on my test was stuff I eat a lot of. I wonder if i start eating the other stuff if my body will become reactive against that too. I hope it's reversible long-term.

GcMAF Australia

Senior Member
This makes me wonder how many of us actually have a lot of food intolerances.

If you are allergic to oranges, wouldnt this mean you have a fructose intolerance? Is there fructose in oranges? Sorry if that is a dumb question! I've actually never heard of an orange allergy!

Best of luck with KDM! You've got a lot of great results and a great doctor and I hope it leads to successful treatment and improvement!
Don Lewis has many people with fooed intolerances
the most is to fructose/ about 60-70%