I'd recommend Infectolab laboratory from Germany for Lyme co-infections (Bartonella, Babesia, Mycoplasma etc.) They are pretty good but prices are very high. I paid 2200€ for whole Lyme panel + Co-infections. I was positive for Bartonella, both Bartonella quintana, and Bartonella henselae, which is not surprising since I have tons of neurological and cognitive problems (brain fog, glass in front of eyes, derealization, dizziness, disorientation).
Interesting, though, even though Infectolab is good lab for Lyme & Co's Lyme tests were negative. For Lyme alone probably the best lab is Lyme Diagnostic from Bucharest, Romania. I went there myself by plane and the tests there were positive for Lyme. They use Direct Microscopy (Dark Field Microscopy) which revealed Borrelias in my blood stream. They also use super wide antibody testing from EuroImmune, Germany which also revealed I'm positive for Borrelia afzelli and garinii.