I'm equally thrilled about immunoglobulins as you are and really hope there will be a big trial soon, but from what I heard (talked to the Norwegian doctor who treated around 50 of her patients with Gammanorm) no one had an improvement that can be compared to improvement from RTX treatment. Around 50% of those treated with Gammanorm got an effect, for some it was a significant change, which of course should give us hope. For some patients, Gammanorm seemed to work for recurrent infections (not really a surprise I guess), while for others, it worked as an immunomodulant agent. Most of all, it worked for immunological symptoms and pain, but less for fatigue. I have heard one single recovery story which involved treatment with Gammanorm only, but I am not sure how long that recovery lasted.
BTW I'm not aware of any CFS patients in Norway who got IVIG. Most patients got their immunoglobulines through intramuscular injections. Some few got subcutaneous infusions as well ("SCIG").
SCIG is also used by Prof Scheibenbogen, as far as I know (although I'm not sure if she actually prescribes it or only recommends it). The patient who got considerably worse from RTX (Olaf Bodden) got better from immunoglobulines (I think IVIG) some years earlier, if I remember correctly.
There was also one story in the newspaper about a girl who recovered (completely?) from RTX, Valcyte (both from OMI) and later on immunoglobulins.
Those trials from the 1990s are pretty inconclusive. It's time for a big trial, but unfortunately this is not going to happen in Norway. As far as I know, one very dedicated physician really tried to set up a trial, but it was never approved (for reasons I don't know).